#! /usr/bin/env python # This is an example Jython dropbox for importing HCS image datasets import os from ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.etl.dto.api.v1 import * from ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.plugin.screening.shared.api.v1.dto import Geometry class ImageDataSetFlexible(SimpleImageDataConfig): """ Extracts tile number, channel code and well code for a given relative path to an image. Will be called for each file found in the incoming directory which has the allowed image extension. Example file name: bDZ01-1A_wD17_s3_z123_t321_cGFP Returns: ImageMetadata """ def extractImageMetadata(self, imagePath): image_tokens = ImageMetadata() basename = os.path.splitext(imagePath)[0] # token_dict = {} for token in basename.split("_"): token_dict[token[:1]] = token[1:] image_tokens.well = token_dict["w"] fieldText = token_dict["s"] try: image_tokens.tileNumber = int(fieldText) except ValueError: raise Exception("Cannot parse field number from '" + fieldText + "' in '" + basename + "' file name.") image_tokens.channelCode = token_dict["c"] return image_tokens """ Overrides the default implementation which returns (1, maxTileNumber) geometry. Calculates the width and height of the matrix of tiles (a.k.a. fields or sides) in the well. Parameter imageMetadataList: a list of metadata for each encountered image Parameter maxTileNumber: the biggest tile number among all encountered images Returns: Geometry """ def getTileGeometry(self, imageTokens, maxTileNumber): return Geometry.createFromRowColDimensions(maxTileNumber / 3, 3); """ Overrides the default implementation which does the same thing (to demonstrate how this can be done). For a given tile number and tiles geometry returns (x,y) which describes where the tile is located on the well. Parameter tileNumber: number of the tile Parameter tileGeometry: the geometry of the well matrix Returns: Location """ def getTileCoordinates(self, tileNumber, tileGeometry): columns = tileGeometry.getWidth() row = ((tileNumber - 1) / columns) + 1 col = ((tileNumber - 1) % columns) + 1 return Location(row, col) if incoming.isDirectory(): imageDataset = ImageDataSetFlexible() imageDataset.setRawImageDatasetType() imageDataset.setPlate("TEST", incoming.getName()) factory.registerImageDataset(imageDataset, incoming, service)