#! /usr/bin/env python """ Script for uploading image data and some other files. """ import os, glob, re, csv, time, shutil from java.io import File from ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.etl.dto.api.v1 import SimpleImageDataConfig, ImageMetadata, Location from ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.plugin.screening.shared.api.v1.dto import Geometry from ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.etl.dto.api.v1 import SimpleImageContainerDataConfig, ChannelColor from ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.api.v1.dto import SearchCriteria from ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.api.v1.dto import SearchSubCriteria from loci.formats import ImageReader from time import * from datetime import * print "###################################################" tz=localtime()[3]-gmtime()[3] d=datetime.now() print d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S GMT"+"%+.2d" % tz+":00") fileList=[] axisList=[] neckList=[] dateExpSampleList=[] cellSampleList=[] def process(transaction): incoming = transaction.getIncoming() # the name of the folder is the name of the experiment experimentName = os.path.basename(incoming.getPath()) #Check if project and experiment already exist, if not create them project = transaction.getProject("/TUBEX/LEGACY_DATA/") if not project: project = transaction.createNewProject("/TUBEX/LEGACY_DATA/") exp = transaction.getExperiment("/TUBEX/LEGACY_DATA/" + experimentName) if not exp: exp = transaction.createNewExperiment("/TUBEX/LEGACY_DATA/" + experimentName, "CELL_EXPERIMENT") #get the name of the tif files def extract_file_start(incoming): for tif in glob.glob(os.path.join(incoming, '*.tif')): (incomingPath, file) = os.path.split(tif) (filename, extension) = os.path.splitext(file) fileList.append(filename) return fileList extract_file_start(incoming.getPath()) #from the axis files, extract the part of the name that contains date, experiment and cell number def extract_axis_file_name(incoming): for axisData in glob.glob(os.path.join(incoming, 'AxisData/*')): (incomingPath, file) = os.path.split(axisData) (filename, extension) = os.path.splitext(file) nameParts = re.split("_", filename) axis = nameParts[1]+"_"+nameParts[2] axisList.append(axis) return axisList extract_axis_file_name(incoming.getPath()) #from the neck files, extract the part of the name that contains date, experiment and cell number def extract_neck_file_name(incoming): for neckData in glob.glob(os.path.join(incoming, 'NeckData/*')): (incomingPath, file) = os.path.split(neckData) (filename, extension) = os.path.splitext(file) nameParts = re.split("_", filename) neck = nameParts[1]+"_"+nameParts[2] neckList.append(neck) return neckList extract_neck_file_name(incoming.getPath()) #create a directory where to move all the .txt files def create_dir(incoming): directory = incoming + '/text_files' if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) return directory #create a sample for each date and experiment number. Create a sample for each cell of each date and experiment number and set it as contained sample. # import the tif files as image dataset. Import the mtTracker files and the neck and axis files in a "TEXT_FILES" dataset, which is a child of the image dataset. def import_files(incoming): for item, axisFile, neckFile in zip(fileList, axisList, neckList): tifFile = item + ".tif" mtTrackerSphere = incoming + "/" +item + "_mtTracker_sphereCovMatrix.txt" shutil.move(mtTrackerSphere, create_dir(incoming)) mtTrackerResults = incoming + "/" +item + "_mtTracker_results.txt" shutil.move(mtTrackerResults, create_dir(incoming)) mtTrackerParams = incoming + "/" +item + "_mtTracker_params.txt" shutil.move(mtTrackerParams, create_dir(incoming)) mtTrackerInitVal = incoming + "/" +item + "_mtTracker_initValues.txt" shutil.move(mtTrackerInitVal, create_dir(incoming)) mtTrackerCovMatrix = incoming + "/" +item + "_mtTracker_covMatrix.txt" shutil.move(mtTrackerCovMatrix, create_dir(incoming)) tokens = re.split('_', item) dateExp = tokens[0] cellNum = tokens[1] day = dateExp[:2] month = dateExp[2:4] year = "20" + dateExp[4:6] date = year + "-" + month + "-" + day + " 12:00:00 GMT+02:00" # the provided date is day-month-year it should be month-day-year dateExpSample = transaction.createNewSample("/TUBEX/" + dateExp,'DATE_EXPERIMENT') dateExpSample.setExperiment(exp) dateExpSample.setPropertyValue("DATE", date) cellSample = transaction.createNewSample("/TUBEX/" + dateExp + ":" + cellNum,'CELL_NUMBER' ) cellSample.setExperiment(exp) cellSample.setContainer(dateExpSample) if (axisFile == item): axisFilePath = incoming + "/AxisData/Axis_"+ axisFile + ".txt" shutil.move(axisFilePath, create_dir(incoming)) if (neckFile == item): neckFilePath = incoming + "/NeckData/Neck_"+ neckFile + ".txt" shutil.move(neckFilePath, create_dir(incoming)) imageDataset = SimpleImageContainerDataConfig() imageDataset.setMicroscopyData(True) imageDataset.setDataSetType("MICROSCOPY_IMG") imageDataset.setRecognizedImageExtensions(['lif', 'dv', 'tif', 'tiff','nd2', 'lsm', 'czi']) imageDataset.setImageLibrary("BioFormats") imageDataset.setMeasuredData(True) sampleNamePath = incoming + '/' + tifFile dataSet = transaction.createNewImageDataSet(imageDataset, File(sampleNamePath)) dataSet.setSample(cellSample) dataSetCode = dataSet.getDataSetCode() transaction.moveFile(sampleNamePath, dataSet) dataSetTXT = transaction.createNewDataSet() dataSetTXT.setDataSetType("TEXT_FILES") dataSetTXT.setSample(cellSample) dataSetTXT.setParentDatasets([dataSetCode]) transaction.moveFile(create_dir(incoming), dataSetTXT) import_files(incoming.getPath())