import re import os import os.path import shutil import time import traceback import util INSTALLER_PROJECT = 'gradle-installation' OPENBIS_STANDARD_TECHNOLOGIES_PROJECT = 'gradle-openbis-standard-technologies' DATAMOVER_PROJECT = 'gradle-datamover' PSQL_EXE = 'psql' PLAYGROUND = 'targets/playground' TEMPLATES = 'templates' TEST_DATA = 'testData' DEFAULT_TIME_OUT_IN_MINUTES = 5 class TestCase(object): """ Abstract superclass of a test case. Subclasses have to override execute() and optionally executeInDevMode(). The test case is run by invoking runTest(). Here is a skeleton of a test case: #!/usr/bin/python import settings import systemtest.testcase class TestCase(systemtest.testcase.TestCase): def execute(self): .... def executeInDevMode(self): .... TestCase(settings, __file__).runTest() There are two execution modes (controlled by command line option -d and -rd): Normal mode: 1. Cleans up playground: Kills running servers and deletes playground folder of this test case. 2. Invokes execute() method. 3. Release resources: Shuts down running servers. Developing mode: 1. Invokes executeInDevMode() method. The developing mode allows to reuse already installed servers. Servers might be restarted. This mode leads to fast development of test code by doing incremental development. Working code can be moved from executeInDevMode() to execute(). """ def __init__(self, settings, filePath): self.artifactRepository = settings.REPOSITORY self.project = None fileName = os.path.basename(filePath) = fileName[0:fileName.rfind('.')] self.playgroundFolder = "%s/%s" % (PLAYGROUND, self.numberOfFailures = 0 self.devMode = settings.devMode self.runningInstances = [] def runTest(self): """ Runs this test case. This is a final method. It should not be overwritten. """ startTime = time.time() util.printAndFlush("\n/''''''''''''''''''' %s started at %s %s ''''''''''" % (, time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'in DEV MODE' if self.devMode else '')) try: if not self.devMode: if os.path.exists(self.playgroundFolder): self._cleanUpPlayground() os.makedirs(self.playgroundFolder) self.execute() else: self.executeInDevMode() success = self.numberOfFailures == 0 except: traceback.print_exc() success = False finally: duration = util.renderDuration(time.time() - startTime) if not self.devMode: self.releaseResources() if success: util.printAndFlush("\...........SUCCESS: %s executed in %s .........." % (, duration)) else: util.printAndFlush("\............FAILED: %s executed in %s .........." % (, duration)) raise Exception("%s failed" % def execute(self): """ Executes this test case in normal mode. This is an abstract method which has to be overwritten in subclasses. """ pass def executeInDevMode(self): """ Executes this test case in developing mode. This method can be overwritten in subclasses. """ pass def releaseResources(self): """ Releases resources. It shuts down all running servers. This method can be overwritten in subclasses. Note, this method can be invoked in subclasses as follows: super(type(self), self).releaseResources() """ self._shutdownSevers() def assertPatternInLog(self, log, pattern): if not, log):"Pattern doesn't match: %s" % pattern) def assertSmaller(self, itemName, expectedUpperLimit, actualValue, verbose=True): """ Asserts that actualValue <= expectedUpperLimit. If not the test will be continued but counted as failed. Returns False if assertion fails otherwise True. """ if actualValue > expectedUpperLimit:"%s\n actual value <%s> exceeds the expected upper limit <%s>" % (itemName, actualValue, expectedUpperLimit)) return False elif verbose: util.printAndFlush("%s actual value <%s> is below the expected upper limit <%s>" % (itemName, actualValue, expectedUpperLimit)) return True def assertEquals(self, itemName, expected, actual, verbose=True): """ Asserts that expected == actual. If not the test will be continued but counted as failed. Returns False if assertion fails otherwise True. """ if expected != actual:"%s\n expected: <%s>\n but was: <%s>" % (itemName, expected, actual)) return False elif verbose: util.printAndFlush("%s as expected: <%s>" % (itemName, expected)) return True def fail(self, errorMessage): """ Prints specified error message and mark test case as failed. """ self.numberOfFailures += 1 util.printWhoAmI(levels = 10, template = "ERROR found (caller chain: %s)") util.printAndFlush("ERROR causing test failure: %s" % errorMessage) def installScriptBasedServer(self, templateName, instanceName, startCommand = ['./'], stopCommand = ['./']): installPath = self._getInstallPath(instanceName) if os.path.exists(installPath): shutil.rmtree(installPath) shutil.copytree("%s/%s" % (self.getTemplatesFolder(), templateName), installPath) return ScriptBasedServerController(self,, installPath, instanceName, startCommand, stopCommand) def createScriptBasedServerController(self, instanceName, startCommand = ['./'], stopCommand = ['./']): return ScriptBasedServerController(self,, self._getInstallPath(instanceName), instanceName, startCommand, stopCommand) def installDatamover(self, instanceName = 'datamover'): zipFile = self.artifactRepository.getPathToArtifact(DATAMOVER_PROJECT, 'datamover') installPath = self._getInstallPath(instanceName) util.unzip(zipFile, self.playgroundFolder) os.rename("%s/datamover" % (self.playgroundFolder), installPath) return DatamoverController(self,, installPath, instanceName) def createDatamoverController(self, instanceName = 'datamover'): return DatamoverController(self,, self._getInstallPath(instanceName), instanceName) def installOpenbis(self, instanceName = 'openbis', technologies = []): """ Installs openBIS from the installer. The instanceName specifies the subfolder in the playground folder where the instance will be installed. In addition it is also part of the database names. The technologies are an array of enabled technologies. """ installerPath = self.artifactRepository.getPathToArtifact(INSTALLER_PROJECT, 'openBIS-installation') installerFileName = os.path.basename(installerPath).rpartition('.tar')[0] util.executeCommand(['tar', '-zxf', installerPath, '-C', self.playgroundFolder], "Couldn't untar openBIS installer.") consolePropertiesFile = "%s/%s/" % (self.playgroundFolder, installerFileName) consoleProperties = util.readProperties(consolePropertiesFile) installPath = self._getInstallPath(instanceName) consoleProperties['INSTALL_PATH'] = installPath consoleProperties['DSS_ROOT_DIR'] = "%s/data" % installPath for technology in technologies: consoleProperties[technology.upper()] = True util.writeProperties(consolePropertiesFile, consoleProperties) util.executeCommand("%s/%s/" % (self.playgroundFolder, installerFileName), "Couldn't install openBIS", consoleInput='admin\nadmin') shutil.rmtree("%s/%s" % (self.playgroundFolder, installerFileName)) def cloneOpenbisInstance(self, nameOfInstanceToBeCloned, nameOfNewInstance, dataStoreServerOnly = False): """ Clones an openBIS instance. """ oldInstanceInstallPath = "%s/%s" % (self.playgroundFolder, nameOfInstanceToBeCloned) newInstanceInstallPath = "%s/%s" % (self.playgroundFolder, nameOfNewInstance) paths = ['bin', 'data', 'servers/core-plugins', 'servers/datastore_server'] if not dataStoreServerOnly: paths.append('servers/openBIS-server') for path in paths: util.copyFromTo(oldInstanceInstallPath, newInstanceInstallPath, path) dssPropsFile = "%s/servers/datastore_server/etc/" % newInstanceInstallPath dssProps = util.readProperties(dssPropsFile) dssProps['root-dir'] = dssProps['root-dir'].replace(nameOfInstanceToBeCloned, nameOfNewInstance) util.writeProperties(dssPropsFile, dssProps) def createOpenbisController(self, instanceName = 'openbis', dropDatabases = True, databasesToDrop = []): """ Creates an openBIS controller object assuming that an openBIS instance for the specified name is installed. """ return OpenbisController(self,, self._getInstallPath(instanceName), instanceName, dropDatabases, databasesToDrop) def installScreeningTestClient(self): """ Installs the screening test client and returns an instance of ScreeningTestClient. """ zipFile = self.artifactRepository.getPathToArtifact(OPENBIS_STANDARD_TECHNOLOGIES_PROJECT, 'openBIS-screening-API') installPath = "%s/screeningAPI" % self.playgroundFolder util.unzip(zipFile, installPath) return ScreeningTestClient(self, installPath) def getTemplatesFolder(self): return "%s/%s" % (TEMPLATES, def _getInstallPath(self, instanceName): return os.path.abspath("%s/%s" % (self.playgroundFolder, instanceName)) def _cleanUpPlayground(self): for f in os.listdir(self.playgroundFolder): path = "%s/%s" % (self.playgroundFolder, f) if not os.path.isdir(path): continue util.printAndFlush("clean up %s" % path) util.killProcess("%s/servers/datastore_server/" % path) util.killProcess("%s/servers/openBIS-server/jetty/" % path) util.killProcess("%s/" % path) util.deleteFolder(self.playgroundFolder) def _addToRunningInstances(self, controller): self.runningInstances.append(controller) def _removeFromRunningInstances(self, controller): if controller in self.runningInstances: self.runningInstances.remove(controller) def _shutdownSevers(self): for instance in reversed(self.runningInstances): instance.stop() class _Controller(object): def __init__(self, testCase, testName, installPath, instanceName): self.testCase = testCase self.testName = testName self.instanceName = instanceName self.installPath = installPath util.printAndFlush("Controller created for instance '%s'. Installation path: %s" % (instanceName, installPath)) def createFolder(self, folderPath): """ Creates a folder with specified path relative to installation directory. """ path = "%s/%s" % (self.installPath, folderPath) os.makedirs(path) def assertEmptyFolder(self, pathRelativeToInstallPath): """ Asserts that the specified path (relative to the installation path) is an empty folder. """ relativePath = "%s/%s" % (self.installPath, pathRelativeToInstallPath) files = self._getFiles(relativePath) if len(files) == 0: util.printAndFlush("Empty folder as expected: %s" % relativePath) else:"%s isn't empty. It contains the following files:\n %s" % (relativePath, files)) def assertFiles(self, folderPathRelativeToInstallPath, expectedFiles): """ Asserts that the specified path (relative to the installation path) contains the specified files. """ relativePath = "%s/%s" % (self.installPath, folderPathRelativeToInstallPath) files = self._getFiles(relativePath) self.testCase.assertEquals("Files in %s" % relativePath, expectedFiles, sorted(files)) def _getFiles(self, relativePath): if not os.path.isdir(relativePath):"Doesn't exist or isn't a folder: %s" % relativePath) files = os.listdir(relativePath) return files class ScriptBasedServerController(_Controller): def __init__(self, testCase, testName, installPath, instanceName, startCommand, stopCommand): super(ScriptBasedServerController, self).__init__(testCase, testName, installPath, instanceName) self.startCommand = startCommand self.stopCommand = stopCommand def start(self): self.testCase._addToRunningInstances(self) util.executeCommand(self.startCommand, "Couldn't start server '%s'" % self.instanceName, workingDir = self.installPath) def stop(self): self.testCase._removeFromRunningInstances(self) util.executeCommand(self.stopCommand, "Couldn't stop server '%s'" % self.instanceName, workingDir = self.installPath) class DatamoverController(_Controller): def __init__(self, testCase, testName, installPath, instanceName): super(DatamoverController, self).__init__(testCase, testName, installPath, instanceName) self.servicePropertiesFile = "%s/etc/" % self.installPath self.serviceProperties = util.readProperties(self.servicePropertiesFile) self.serviceProperties['check-interval'] = 2 self.serviceProperties['quiet-period'] = 5 self.serviceProperties['inactivity-period'] = 15 dataCompletedScript = "%s/%s/" % (testCase.getTemplatesFolder(), instanceName) if os.path.exists(dataCompletedScript): self.serviceProperties['data-completed-script'] = "../../../../%s" % dataCompletedScript def setPrefixForIncoming(self, prefix): """ Set service property 'prefix-for-incoming'. """ self.serviceProperties['prefix-for-incoming'] = prefix def setTreatIncomingAsRemote(self, flag): """ Set service property 'treat-incoming-as-remote'. """ self.serviceProperties['treat-incoming-as-remote'] = flag def setOutgoingTarget(self, path): """ Set service property 'outgoing-target'. This has to be a path relative to installation path of the datamover. """ self.serviceProperties['outgoing-target'] = path def setExtraCopyDir(self, path): """ Set service property 'extra-copy-dir'. This has to be a path relative to installation path of the datamover. """ self.serviceProperties['extra-copy-dir'] = path def start(self): """ Starts up datamover server. """ util.writeProperties(self.servicePropertiesFile, self.serviceProperties) self.testCase._addToRunningInstances(self) output = util.executeCommand(["%s/" % self.installPath, 'start'], suppressStdOut=True) joinedOutput = '\n'.join(output) if 'FAILED' in joinedOutput: util.printAndFlush("Start up of datamover %s failed:\n%s" % (self.instanceName, joinedOutput)) raise Exception("Couldn't start up datamover '%s'." % self.instanceName) def stop(self): """ Stops datamover server. """ self.testCase._removeFromRunningInstances(self) util.executeCommand(["%s/" % self.installPath, 'stop'], "Couldn't shut down datamover '%s'." % self.instanceName) def drop(self, testDataSetName): """ Drops the specified test data set into incoming folder. """ util.copyFromTo("%s/%s" % (TEST_DATA, self.testName), "%s/data/incoming" % self.installPath, testDataSetName) class ScreeningTestClient(object): """ Class representing the screeing test client. """ def __init__(self, testCase, installPath): self.testCase = testCase self.installPath = installPath def run(self): """ Runs the test client and returns the console output as a list of strings. """ output = util.executeCommand(['java', '', '-jar', 'openbis_screening_api.jar', 'admin', 'admin', 'https://localhost:8443'], suppressStdOut = True, workingDir=self.installPath) with open("%s/log.txt" % self.installPath, 'w') as log: for line in output: log.write("%s\n" % line) return output class DataSet(object): def __init__(self, resultSetRow): = resultSetRow[0] self.dataStore = resultSetRow[1] self.experimentCode = resultSetRow[2] self.code = resultSetRow[3] self.type = resultSetRow[4] self.location = resultSetRow[5] self.status = resultSetRow[6] self.presentInArchive = resultSetRow[7] self.producer = resultSetRow[8] self.productionTimeStamp = resultSetRow[9] self.parents = [] self.children = [] def __str__(self): parents = [ for d in self.parents] children = [ for d in self.children] return "%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s" % (, self.dataStore, self.code, self.type, self.location, self.status, self.presentInArchive, parents, children, self.experimentCode, self.producer, self.productionTimeStamp) class OpenbisController(_Controller): """ Class to control AS and DSS of an installed openBIS instance. """ def __init__(self, testCase, testName, installPath, instanceName, dropDatabases = True, databasesToDrop = []): """ Creates a new instance for specifies test case with specified test and instance name, installation path. """ super(OpenbisController, self).__init__(testCase, testName, installPath, instanceName) self.templatesFolder = testCase.getTemplatesFolder() self.binFolder = "%s/bin" % installPath self.bisUpScript = "%s/" % self.binFolder self.bisDownScript = "%s/" % self.binFolder self.dssUpScript = "%s/" % self.binFolder self.dssDownScript = "%s/" % self.binFolder self.databaseKind = "%s_%s" % (testName, instanceName) self.asServicePropertiesFile = "%s/servers/openBIS-server/jetty/etc/" % installPath self.asProperties = None if os.path.exists(self.asServicePropertiesFile): self.asProperties = util.readProperties(self.asServicePropertiesFile) self.asProperties['database.kind'] = self.databaseKind self.asProperties['proteomics-database-kind'] = self.databaseKind self.asPropertiesModified = True self.dssServicePropertiesFile = "%s/servers/datastore_server/etc/" % installPath self.dssProperties = util.readProperties(self.dssServicePropertiesFile) self.dssProperties['path-info-db.databaseKind'] = self.databaseKind self.dssProperties['imaging-database.kind'] = self.databaseKind self.dssProperties['proteomics-database-kind'] = self.databaseKind self.dssPropertiesModified = True if dropDatabases: util.dropDatabase(PSQL_EXE, "openbis_%s" % self.databaseKind) util.dropDatabase(PSQL_EXE, "pathinfo_%s" % self.databaseKind) util.dropDatabase(PSQL_EXE, "imaging_%s" % self.databaseKind) util.dropDatabase(PSQL_EXE, "proteomics_%s" % self.databaseKind) for databaseToDrop in databasesToDrop: util.dropDatabase(PSQL_EXE, "%s_%s" % (databaseToDrop, self.databaseKind)) self._applyCorePlugins() def setDummyAuthentication(self): """ Disables authentication. """ self.asProperties['authentication-service'] = 'dummy-authentication-service' def setDataStoreServerCode(self, code): """ Sets the code of the Data Store Server. """ self.dssProperties['data-store-server-code'] = code def getDataStoreServerCode(self): return self.dssProperties['data-store-server-code'] def setDataStoreServerPort(self, port): """ Sets the port of the Data Store Server. """ self.dssProperties['port'] = port def setDataStoreServerUsername(self, username): """ Sets the username of the Data Store Server. """ self.dssProperties['username'] = username def setAsMaxHeapSize(self, maxHeapSize): self._setMaxHeapSize("openBIS-server/jetty/etc/openbis.conf", maxHeapSize) def setDssMaxHeapSize(self, maxHeapSize): self._setMaxHeapSize("datastore_server/etc/datastore_server.conf", maxHeapSize) def assertFileExist(self, pathRelativeToInstallPath): """ Asserts that the specified path (relative to the installation path) exists. """ relativePath = "%s/%s" % (self.installPath, pathRelativeToInstallPath) if os.path.exists(relativePath): util.printAndFlush("Path exists as expected: %s" % relativePath) else:"Path doesn't exist: %s" % relativePath) def assertDataSetContent(self, pathToOriginal, dataSet): path = "%s/data/store/1/%s/original" % (self.installPath, dataSet.location) path = "%s/%s" % (path, os.listdir(path)[0]) numberOfDifferences = util.getNumberOfDifferences(pathToOriginal, path) if numberOfDifferences > 0:"%s differences found." % numberOfDifferences) def assertNumberOfDataSets(self, expectedNumberOfDataSets, dataSets): """ Asserts that the specified number of data sets from the specified list of DataSet instances are in the data store. """ count = 0 for dataSet in dataSets: if dataSet.dataStore != self.getDataStoreServerCode() or dataSet.location == '': continue count += 1 self.assertFileExist("data/store/1/%s" % dataSet.location) self.testCase.assertEquals("Number of data sets in data store %s" % self.getDataStoreServerCode(), expectedNumberOfDataSets, count) def storeDirectory(self): """ Return the path to the data/store directory """ return "data/store" def getDataSets(self): """ Returns all data sets as a list (ordered by data set ids) of instances of class DataSet. """ resultSet = self.queryDatabase('openbis', "select,ds.code,e.code,data.code,t.code,location,status,present_in_archive," + " data.data_producer_code,data.production_timestamp from data" + " left join external_data as ed on ed.data_id =" + " join data_set_types as t on data.dsty_id =" + " join experiments as e on data.expe_id =" + " join data_stores as ds on data.dast_id = order by") dataSets = [] dataSetsById = {} for row in resultSet: dataSet = DataSet(row) dataSets.append(dataSet) dataSetsById[] = dataSet relationships = self.queryDatabase('openbis', "select data_id_parent, data_id_child from data_set_relationships" + " order by data_id_parent, data_id_child") for parent_id, child_id in relationships: parent = dataSetsById[parent_id] child = dataSetsById[child_id] parent.children.append(child) child.parents.append(parent) util.printAndFlush("All data sets:\nid,dataStore,code,type,location,status,presentInArchive,parents,children,experiment,producer,productionTimeStamp") for dataSet in dataSets: util.printAndFlush(dataSet) return dataSets def createTestDatabase(self, databaseType): """ Creates a test database for the specified database type. """ database = "%s_%s" % (databaseType, self.databaseKind) scriptPath = "%s/%s.sql" % (self.templatesFolder, database) util.createDatabase(PSQL_EXE, database, scriptPath) def dropDatabase(self, databaseType): """ Drops the database for the specified database type. """ util.dropDatabase(PSQL_EXE, "%s_%s" % (databaseType, self.databaseKind)) def queryDatabase(self, databaseType, queryStatement, showHeaders = False): """ Executes the specified SQL statement for the specified database type. Result set is returned as a list of lists. """ database = "%s_%s" % (databaseType, self.databaseKind) return util.queryDatabase(PSQL_EXE, database, queryStatement, showHeaders) def allUp(self): """ Starts up AS and DSS if not running. """ if not util.isAlive("%s/servers/openBIS-server/jetty/" % self.installPath, "openBIS.keystore"): self._saveAsPropertiesIfModified() util.executeCommand([self.bisUpScript], "Starting up openBIS AS '%s' failed." % self.instanceName) self.dssUp() def stop(self): self.allDown() def allDown(self): """ Shuts down AS and DSS. """ self.testCase._removeFromRunningInstances(self) util.executeCommand([self.dssDownScript], "Shutting down openBIS DSS '%s' failed." % self.instanceName) if self.asProperties: util.executeCommand([self.bisDownScript], "Shutting down openBIS AS '%s' failed." % self.instanceName) def dssUp(self): """ Starts up DSS if not running. """ if not util.isAlive("%s/servers/datastore_server/" % self.installPath, "openBIS.keystore"): self._saveDssPropertiesIfModified() self.testCase._addToRunningInstances(self) util.executeCommand([self.dssUpScript], "Starting up openBIS DSS '%s' failed." % self.instanceName) def dssDown(self): """ Shuts down DSS. """ self.testCase._removeFromRunningInstances(self) util.executeCommand([self.dssDownScript], "Shutting down openBIS DSS '%s' failed." % self.instanceName) def dropAndWait(self, dataName, dropBoxName, numberOfDataSets = 1, timeOutInMinutes = DEFAULT_TIME_OUT_IN_MINUTES): """ Drops the specified data into the specified drop box. The data is either a folder or a ZIP file in TEST_DATA/. A ZIP file will be unpacked in the drop box. After dropping the method waits until the specified number of data sets have been registered. """ self.drop(dataName, dropBoxName) self.waitUntilDataSetRegistrationFinished(numberOfDataSets = numberOfDataSets, timeOutInMinutes = timeOutInMinutes) def dataFile(self, dataName): """ Returns the path to the given test data """ return "%s/%s/%s" % (TEST_DATA, self.testName, dataName) def drop(self, dataName, dropBoxName): """ Drops the specified test data into the specified drop box. The test data is either a folder or a ZIP file in TEST_DATA/. A ZIP file will be unpacked in the drop box. """ destination = "%s/data/%s" % (self.installPath, dropBoxName) self.dropIntoDestination(dataName, destination) def dropIntoDestination(self, dataName, destination): """ Drops the specified test data into the destination. The test data is either a folder or a ZIP file in TEST_DATA/. A ZIP file will be unpacked in the drop box. """ testDataFolder = "%s/%s" % (TEST_DATA, self.testName) if dataName.endswith('.zip'): util.unzip("%s/%s" % (testDataFolder, dataName), destination) else: util.copyFromTo(testDataFolder, destination, dataName) def waitUntilDataSetRegistrationFinished(self, numberOfDataSets = 1, timeOutInMinutes = DEFAULT_TIME_OUT_IN_MINUTES): """ Waits until the specified number of data sets have been registrated. """ monitor = self.createLogMonior(timeOutInMinutes) monitor.addNotificationCondition(util.RegexCondition('Incoming Data Monitor')) monitor.addNotificationCondition(util.RegexCondition('post-registration')) numberOfRegisteredDataSets = 0 while numberOfRegisteredDataSets < numberOfDataSets: elements = monitor.waitUntilEvent(util.RegexCondition('Post registration of (\\d*). of \\1 data sets')) numberOfRegisteredDataSets += int(elements[0]) util.printAndFlush("%d of %d data sets registered" % (numberOfRegisteredDataSets, numberOfDataSets)) def waitUntilDataSetRegistrationFailed(self, timeOutInMinutes = DEFAULT_TIME_OUT_IN_MINUTES): """ Waits until data set registration failed. """ self.waitUntilConditionMatched(util.EventTypeCondition('ERROR'), timeOutInMinutes) util.printAndFlush("Data set registration failed as expected.") def waitUntilConditionMatched(self, condition, timeOutInMinutes = DEFAULT_TIME_OUT_IN_MINUTES): """ Waits until specified condition has been detected in DSS log. """ monitor = self.createLogMonior(timeOutInMinutes) monitor.addNotificationCondition(util.RegexCondition('Incoming Data Monitor')) monitor.addNotificationCondition(util.RegexCondition('post-registration')) monitor.waitUntilEvent(condition) def createLogMonior(self, timeOutInMinutes = DEFAULT_TIME_OUT_IN_MINUTES): logFilePath = "%s/servers/datastore_server/log/datastore_server_log.txt" % self.installPath return util.LogMonitor("%s.DSS" % self.instanceName, logFilePath, timeOutInMinutes) def assertFeatureVectorLabel(self, featureCode, expectedFeatureLabel): data = self.queryDatabase('imaging', "select distinct label from feature_defs where code = '%s'" % featureCode); self.testCase.assertEquals("label of feature %s" % featureCode, [[expectedFeatureLabel]], data) def _applyCorePlugins(self): corePluginsFolder = "%s/servers/core-plugins" % self.installPath destination = "%s/%s" % (corePluginsFolder, self.instanceName) shutil.rmtree(destination, ignore_errors=True) shutil.copytree("%s/core-plugins/%s" % (self.templatesFolder, self.instanceName), destination) corePluginsPropertiesFile = "%s/" % corePluginsFolder corePluginsProperties = util.readProperties(corePluginsPropertiesFile) enabledModules = corePluginsProperties['enabled-modules'] enabledModules = "%s, %s" % (enabledModules, self.instanceName) if len(enabledModules) > 0 else self.instanceName corePluginsProperties['enabled-modules'] = enabledModules util.writeProperties(corePluginsPropertiesFile, corePluginsProperties) def _saveAsPropertiesIfModified(self): if self.asPropertiesModified: util.writeProperties(self.asServicePropertiesFile, self.asProperties) self.asPropertiesModified = False def _saveDssPropertiesIfModified(self): if self.dssPropertiesModified: util.writeProperties(self.dssServicePropertiesFile, self.dssProperties) self.dssPropertiesModified = False def _setMaxHeapSize(self, configFile, maxHeapSize): path = "%s/servers/%s" % (self.installPath, configFile) lines = [] for line in util.getContent(path): if line.strip().startswith('JAVA_MEM_OPTS'): line = re.sub(r'(.*)-Xmx[^ ]+(.*)', r"\1-Xmx%s\2" % maxHeapSize, line) lines.append(line) with open(path, "w") as f: for line in lines: f.write("%s\n" % line)