import re import os from java.lang import Exception from import File # ================================= # Generic utility functions # ================================= """ Finds first occurence of the patter from the right. Throws exception if the pattern cannot be found. """ def rfind(text, pattern): ix = text.rfind(pattern) ensurePatternFound(ix, text, pattern) return ix """ Finds first occurence of the patter from the left. Throws exception if the pattern cannot be found. """ def find(text, pattern): ix = text.find(pattern) ensurePatternFound(ix, text, pattern) return ix def ensurePatternFound(ix, file, pattern): if ix == -1: raise Exception("Cannot find '" + pattern + "' pattern in file name '" + file + "'") """ Returns: name of the file without the extension """ def extractFileBasename(filename): lastDot = filename.rfind(".") if lastDot != -1: return filename[0:lastDot] else: return filename """ Returns: extension of the file """ def getFileExt(file): return os.path.splitext(file)[1][1:].lower() """ Returns: - first file with the specified extension or None if no file matches """ def findFileByExt(incomingFile, expectedExt): if not incomingFile.isDirectory(): return None incomingPath = incomingFile.getPath() for file in os.listdir(incomingPath): ext = getFileExt(file) if ext.upper() == expectedExt.upper(): return File(incomingPath, file) return None """ Returns: - subdirectory which contains the specified marker in the name """ def findDir(incomingFile, dirNameMarker): if not incomingFile.isDirectory(): return None incomingPath = incomingFile.getPath() for file in os.listdir(incomingPath): if dirNameMarker.upper() in file.upper(): return File(incomingPath, file) return None """ Removes trailing empty strings from a list """ def removeTrailingEmptyElements(list): pos = len(list) while (pos > 0): pos = pos - 1 if not list[pos].strip(): del list[pos] else: break return list