# The directory where the data producer writes to.
incoming-target = targets/incoming
# The local directory to store the paths to be transfered temporarily
buffer-dir = targets/buffer
#�If free disk space goes below value defined here, a notification email will be sent.
# Value must be specified in kilobytes (1048576 = 1024 * 1024 = 1GB). If no high water mark is
# specified or if value is negative, the system will not be watching.
buffer-dir-highwater-mark = 1048576
# The remote directory to move the data to (only with rsync).
outgoing-target = targets/outgoing

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# transformator
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Configuration of optional file transformation that will be performed in the buffer.

# The name of the transformator class (together with the list of packages this class belongs to). 
#transformator-class = ch.systemsx.cisd.datamover.transformation.DummyTransformator
#transformator.class = ch.systemsx.cisd.datamover.transformation.TiffCompressorTransformator

# Additional transformator properties:

#- number of threads performing compression per processor 
#  * 1 - lowest (default),
#  * depending on machine bigger value may improve performance increasing usage of CPU and HDD
#transformator.threads-per-processor = 2

#- compression command used by tiff compressor; possible values: TIFFCP (default), CONVERT
#transformator.compression-command = CONVERT

#- compression type used by compression command; 
#  * for TIFFCP used as '-c' option argument, e.g.: lzw:2 (default), zip
#  * for CONVERT used as '-compress' option argument, e.g.: LZW (default), Zip 
#transformator.compression-type = Zip
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Remove hash symbol from the following lines for manual testing.
# But don't check in a change service.properties file because it is used by unit tests!

#quiet-period = 5
#check-interval = 5
#check-interval-internal = 5
#failure-interval = 5
#max-retries = 2
#treat-incoming-as-remote = true