SIS Source Code Repository: repos - Revision 39280: /cisd/openbis_all/branches/sprint/S197.x/openbis/resource/eclipse
Gradle openBIS GWT Shell.launch
Gradle openBIS check dependencies.launch
Gradle openBIS compile GWT.launch
Gradle openBIS prepare GWT.launch
Indexing of Test Database.launch
Migration of Database Version.launch
Screening openBIS GWT compile.launch
Screening openBIS GWT prepare.launch
create scalability DB.launch
openBIS All Tests.launch
openBIS Db Suite.launch
openBIS Editing Tests 1.launch
openBIS Editing Tests 2.launch
openBIS Fast Tests.launch
openBIS GWT Preparation.launch
openBIS GWT Shell - debug.launch
openBIS GWT Shell.launch
openBIS GWT compile.launch
openBIS Viewing Tests 1.launch
openBIS Viewing Tests 2.launch
openBIS Viewing Tests 3.launch
openBIS check dependencies no compile.launch
openBIS check dependencies.launch
openBIS database and index replacement of developer database.launch
openBIS index creation of developer database.launch