import filecmp import os import os.path import re import sys import time import shutil import subprocess USER=os.environ['USER'] def printAndFlush(data): """ Prints argument onto the standard console and flushes output. This is necessary to get Python output and bash output in sync on CI server. """ print data sys.stdout.flush() def readProperties(propertiesFile): """ Reads a Java properties file and returns the key-value pairs as a dictionary. """ with open(propertiesFile, "r") as f: result = {} for line in f.readlines(): trimmedLine = line.strip() if len(trimmedLine) > 0 and not trimmedLine.startswith('#'): splittedLine = line.split('=', 1) key = splittedLine[0].strip() value = splittedLine[1].strip() result[key] = value return result def writeProperties(propertiesFile, dictionary): """ Saves the specified dictionary as a Java properties file. """ with open(propertiesFile, "w") as f: for key in sorted(dictionary): f.write("%s=%s\n" % (key, dictionary[key])) def executeCommand(commandWithArguments, failingMessage = None, consoleInput = None, suppressStdOut = False, workingDir = None): """ Executes specified command with arguments. If the exit value of the command is not zero and a failing message has been specified an exception with the failing message will be thrown. Optionally a string for console input can be specified. If flag suppressStdOut is set standard output will be suppressed but returned as a list of output lines. If workingDir is specified a change to workingDir is done for execution. """ printAndFlush("\n------- START: %s" % commandWithArguments) currentDir = None if workingDir != None: printAndFlush("change to working directory '%s'" % workingDir) currentDir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(workingDir) try: processIn = subprocess.PIPE if consoleInput != None else None processOut = subprocess.PIPE if suppressStdOut else None p = subprocess.Popen(commandWithArguments, stdin = processIn, stdout = processOut) if consoleInput != None: p.communicate(consoleInput) lines = [] if suppressStdOut: for line in iter(p.stdout.readline,''): lines.append(line.strip()) exitValue = p.wait() if currentDir != None: printAndFlush("change back to previous working directory '%s'" % currentDir) if exitValue != 0 and failingMessage != None: printAndFlush("---- FAILED %d: %s" % (exitValue, commandWithArguments)) raise Exception(failingMessage) printAndFlush("---- FINISHED: %s" % commandWithArguments) return lines finally: if currentDir != None: os.chdir(currentDir) def killProcess(pidFile): """ Kills the process in specified PID file. Does nothing if PID file doesn't exist. """ pid = getPid(pidFile) if pid is None: return executeCommand(['kill', pid]) def isAlive(pidFile, pattern): """ Checks if the process with PID in specified file is alive. The specified regex is used to check that the process of expected PID is the process expected. """ pid = getPid(pidFile) if pid is None: return False lines = executeCommand(['ps', '-p', pid], suppressStdOut=True) if len(lines) < 2: return False return re.compile(pattern).search(lines[1]) is not None def getPid(pidFile): if not os.path.exists(pidFile): return None return readFirstLine(pidFile) def readFirstLine(textFile): """ Returns the first line of the specified textFile. """ with open(textFile, 'r') as handle: return handle.readline().rstrip() def unzip(zipFile, destination): """ Unzips specified ZIP file at specified destination. """ executeCommand(['unzip', '-q', '-o', zipFile, '-d', destination], "Couldn't unzip %s at %s" % (zipFile, destination)) def deleteFolder(folderPath): """ Deletes the specified folder. Raises an exception in case of error. """ printAndFlush("Delete '%s'" % folderPath) def errorHandler(*args): _, path, _ = args raise Exception("Couldn't delete '%s'" % path) shutil.rmtree(folderPath, onerror = errorHandler) def copyFromTo(sourceFolder, destinationFolder, relativePathInSourceFolder): source = "%s/%s" % (sourceFolder, relativePathInSourceFolder) destination = "%s/%s" % (destinationFolder, relativePathInSourceFolder) if os.path.isfile(source): shutil.copyfile(source, destination) else: shutil.copytree(source, destination, ignore = shutil.ignore_patterns(".*")) printAndFlush("'%s' copied from '%s' to '%s'" % (relativePathInSourceFolder, sourceFolder, destinationFolder)) def dropDatabase(psqlExe, database): """ Drops the specified database by using the specified path to psql. """ executeCommand([psqlExe, '-U', 'postgres', '-c' , "drop database if exists %s" % database], "Couldn't drop database %s" % database) def createDatabase(psqlExe, database, scriptPath = None): """ Creates specified database and run (if defined) the specified SQL script. """ executeCommand([psqlExe, '-U', 'postgres', '-c' , "create database %s with owner %s" % (database, USER)], "Couldn't create database %s" % database) if scriptPath == None: return executeCommand([psqlExe, '-q', '-U', USER, '-d', database, '-f', scriptPath], suppressStdOut=True, failingMessage="Couldn't execute script %s for database %s" % (scriptPath, database)) def queryDatabase(psqlExe, database, queryStatement, showHeaders = False): """ Queries specified database by applying specified SQL statement and returns the result set as a list where each row is a list, too. """ printingOption = '-A' if showHeaders else '-tA' lines = executeCommand([psqlExe, '-U', 'postgres', printingOption, '-d', database, '-c', queryStatement], "Couldn't execute query: %s" % queryStatement, suppressStdOut = True) result = [] for line in lines: result.append(line.split('|')) return result def printResultSet(resultSet): """ Prints the specified result set. """ for row in resultSet: printAndFlush(row) def getNumberOfDifferences(fileOrFolder1, fileOrFolder2): """ Gets and reports differences in file system structures between both arguments. """ result = filecmp.dircmp(fileOrFolder1, fileOrFolder2, ignore=['.svn']) return len(result.left_only) + len(result.right_only) + len(result.diff_files) def getContent(path): """ Returns the content at specified path as an array of lines. Trailing white spaces (including new line) has been stripped off. """ with open(path, "r") as f: return [ l.rstrip() for l in f.readlines()] def renderDuration(duration): renderedDuration = renderNumber(duration, 'second') if duration > 80: minutes = duration / 60 seconds = duration % 60 if seconds > 0: renderedDuration = "%s and %s" % (renderNumber(minutes, 'minute'), renderNumber(seconds, 'second')) else: renderedDuration = renderNumber(minutes, 'minute') return renderedDuration def renderNumber(number, unit): return ("1 %s" % unit) if number == 1 else ("%d %ss" % (number, unit)) class LogMonitor(): """ Monitor of a log file. Conditions can be specified for printing a notification and waiting. A condition has to be a class with method 'match' which has two string arguments: Event type and log message. It returns 'None' in case of no match and a tuple with zero or more matching elements found in log message. """ def __init__(self, logName, logFilePath, timeOutInMinutes = 5): """ Creates an instance with specified log name (used in notification), log file, and time out. """ self.logName = logName self.logFilePath = logFilePath self.timeOutInMinutes = timeOutInMinutes self.conditions = [] self.timeProvider = time class SystemPrinter: def printMsg(self, msg): printAndFlush(msg) self.printer = SystemPrinter() def addNotificationCondition(self, condition): """ Adds a notification condition """ self.conditions.append(condition) def waitUntilEvent(self, condition): """ Waits until an event matches the specified condition. Returns tuple with zero or more elements of matching log message. """ self.conditions.append(condition) startTime = self.timeProvider.time() renderedStartTime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(startTime)) self.printer.printMsg("\n>>>>> Start monitoring %s log at %s >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" % (self.logName, renderedStartTime)) finalTime = startTime + self.timeOutInMinutes * 60 try: alreadyPrintedLines = set() while True: log = open(self.logFilePath, 'r') while True: actualTime = self.timeProvider.time() if actualTime > finalTime: raise Exception("Time out after %d minutes for monitoring %s log." % (self.timeOutInMinutes, self.logName)) line = log.readline() if line == '': break match = re.match('(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}),\d{3} (.{6})(.*)', line) if match == None: continue timestamp = eventType = message = eventTime = time.mktime(time.strptime(timestamp, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) if eventTime < startTime: continue for c in self.conditions: if c.match(eventType, message) != None and not line in alreadyPrintedLines: alreadyPrintedLines.add(line) self.printer.printMsg(">> %s" % line.strip()) break elements = condition.match(eventType, message) if elements != None: return elements, os.SEEK_CUR) time.sleep(5) finally: self.printer.printMsg(">>>>> Finished monitoring %s log >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" % self.logName) class EventTypeCondition(): """ A condition which matches in case of specified event type. """ def __init__(self, eventType): self.eventType = eventType def match(self, eventType, message): return () if self.eventType == eventType else None class StartsWithCondition(): """ A condition which matches if the message starts with a specified string. """ def __init__(self, startsWithString): self.startsWithString = startsWithString def match(self, eventType, message): return () if message.startswith(self.startsWithString) else None class RegexCondition(): """ A condition which matches if the message matches a specified regular expression. """ def __init__(self, regex): self.regex = regex def match(self, eventType, message): match =, message) return match.groups() if match else None