""" Code that is shared between the handlers and validators for different data set types. Includes a class for reading time series data from Excel, and code for validating BaSynthec data, in particular strains. """ import os import re import sys import java.io.File from java.io import IOException from java.lang import IllegalArgumentException from ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.generic.shared.api.v1.validation import ValidationError, ValidationScriptRunner from ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.generic.shared.utils import ExcelFileReader from ch.systemsx.cisd.common.logging import LogFactory, LogCategory operationLog = LogFactory.getLogger(LogCategory.OPERATION, ValidationScriptRunner) OPENBIS_METADATA_SHEET_NAME = "openbis-metadata" OPENBIS_DATA_SHEET_NAME = "openbis-data" class TimeSeriesDataExcel: """ An abstraction for accessing time series data following the BaSynthec conventions from an Excel file. This class ported from Java, thus the camelCase naming. """ def __init__(self, file, fileReader): self.file = file self.fileReader = fileReader def getRawMetadataLines(self): """Get the raw lines of the metadata sheet.""" try: return self.fileReader.readLines(OPENBIS_METADATA_SHEET_NAME); except IOException, ex: operationLog.error("Could not read data from [file: " + self.file.getPath() + ", sheet: " + OPENBIS_METADATA_SHEET_NAME + "]", ex) return [] def getRawDataLines(self): """Get the raw lines of the data sheet.""" try: return self.fileReader.readLines(OPENBIS_DATA_SHEET_NAME) except IOException, ex: operationLog.error("Could not read data from [file: " + file.getPath() + ", sheet: " + OPENBIS_DATA_SHEET_NAME + "]", ex) return [] def getMetadataMap(self): """ Return the metadata has a hashmap, with all keys uppercased. Assumes the metadata sheet corresponds to the following format: [Property] [Value] [... stuff that can be ignored], that is the property name is in column 1 and property value is in column 2, and everything else can be ignored. """ metadataMap = {} metadataLines = self.getRawMetadataLines() # Skip the first line, this is just the header for i in range(1, metadataLines.size()): line = metadataLines.get(i) value = line[1]; if "BLANK" == value: value = None if line[0] is not None: metadataMap[line[0].upper()] = value return metadataMap def create_time_series_excel(fileName): """Factory method for the TimeSeriesData object. Returns None if it cannot be created.""" file = java.io.File(fileName) try: workbook = ExcelFileReader.getExcelWorkbook(file) fileReader = ExcelFileReader(workbook, True) return TimeSeriesDataExcel(file, fileReader) except IllegalArgumentException, ex: operationLog.error("Could not open file [" + fileName + "] as Excel data.", ex) except IOException, ex: operationLog.error("Could not open file [" + fileName + "] as Excel data.", ex) return None class ValidationHelper: """ Methods for simplifying validation in BaSynthec. This class is ported from Java, thus the camelCase naming. """ def __init__(self, metadataMap, errors): self.metadataMap = metadataMap self.errors = errors def checkIsSpecified(self, property, displayName): """Verify that a property is specified; if not, add a validation error to the list.""" if self.metadataMap.get(property) is None: self.errors.append(ValidationError.createFileValidationError("A " + displayName + " must be specified.")) return False return True def validateStrain(self): """Verify that the strain is specified and of the correct format""" if not self.checkIsSpecified("STRAIN", "strain"): return strain = self.metadataMap.get("STRAIN") if not isStrainIdValid(strain): self.errors.append(createFileValidationError("Strain " + strainValidationErrorMessageFragment(strain))) def validateDefaultHeaderFormat(self): """Validate that header format is either not specified or matches default (TIME)""" if self.metadataMap.get("HEADER FORMAT") is None: return format = self.metadataMap.get("HEADER FORMAT") expected_format = "TIME" if expected_format != format: self.errors.append(createFileValidationError("Header format must be " + expected_format + " (not " + format + ").")) def validateExplicitHeaderFormat(self, expected_format): """Validate that header format is specified and matches the expected_format argument""" if not self.checkIsSpecified("HEADER FORMAT", "header format"): return format = self.metadataMap.get("HEADER FORMAT") if expected_format != format: self.errors.append(createFileValidationError("Header format must be " + expected_format + " (not " + format + ").")) def validateControlledVocabularyProperty(self, property, displayName, allowedValues, allowedValuesDisplay): """Validate that the property is specified and in the list of allowed values""" value = self.metadataMap.get(property) isControlledVocabularyPropertyValid(value, displayName, allowedValues, allowedValuesDisplay, self.errors) def validateStartDataRowCol(self): if self.checkIsSpecified("START DATA ROW", "Start Data Row"): value = self.metadataMap.get("START DATA ROW") match = re.match("[0-9]+", value) if match is None: self.errors.append(createFileValidationError("The Start Data Row must be a number (not " + value + ").")) if self.checkIsSpecified("START DATA COL", "Start Data Col"): value = self.metadataMap.get("START DATA COL") match = re.match("[A-Z]", value) if match is None: self.errors.append(createFileValidationError("The Start Data Col must be a letter between A and Z (not " + value + ").")) strainIdRegex = re.compile("^JJS-MGP[0-9]{1,3}|^JJS-DIN[0-9]{1,3}|^MS|CHASSIS\s*[1-3]|WT 168 TRP\+") def isStrainIdValid(strainId): """Return true if the strain id passes validation (has the form sepecified in the regex)""" strainId = strainId.strip().upper() match = strainIdRegex.match(strainId) if match is None: return False return match.end() == len(strainId) def strainValidationErrorMessageFragment(strain): """Return a sentence fragment describing the strain validation error.""" return "must be either JJS-MGP[0-999], JJS-DIN[0-999], MS, CHASSIS [1-3], or WT 168 TRP+ (instead of " + strain + ")." def isControlledVocabularyPropertyValid(value, displayName, allowedValues, allowedValuesDisplay, errors): """Validate that the property is specified and in the list of allowed values""" if value is None: errors.append(ValidationError.createFileValidationError("A " + displayName + " must be specified.")) return False value = value.upper() if value not in allowedValues: if len(allowedValues) > 1: errors.append(createFileValidationError("The " + displayName + " must be one of " + allowedValuesDisplay + " (not " + value + ").")) return False else: errors.append(createFileValidationError("The " + displayName + " must be " + allowedValuesDisplay + " (not " + value + ").")) return False return True def getInitialDataRowAndCol(metadata): """Extract the initial row and column as specified in the metadata. Returns an array with [row, col].""" # get the raw value from the map first_data_row = metadata.get("START DATA ROW") first_data_col = metadata.get("START DATA COL") # convert the row numeric string to an int if first_data_row is None: first_data_row = 0 else: try: first_data_row = int(float(first_data_row)) - 1 except: first_data_row = 0 # convert the column spreadsheet value to an int if first_data_col is None: first_data_col = 0 else: # columns start at A try: first_data_col = ord(first_data_col) - ord('A') except: first_data_cal = 0 return [first_data_row, first_data_col]