''' Expects as incoming folder: /Unaligned_no_mismatch Note: print statements go to: ~openbis/sprint/datastore_server/log/startup_log.txt ''' import os import glob import shutil import time from java.lang import RuntimeException from ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.api.v1.dto import SearchCriteria from ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.api.v1.dto import SearchSubCriteria BASECALL_STATS_FOLDER = 'Basecall_Stats_' REGEX_FILES = '*.*' REGEX_MAKEFILE = 'Make*' REGEX_LANES='/P*' REGEX_UNDETERMINED = '/U*/Sample*' UNALIGNED_FOLDER='Unaligned_no_mismatch' LANE_FOLDER='/links/shared/dsu-dss/dss/incoming-jython-lanes/' MARKER_STRING='.MARKER_is_finished_' def touch_markerfile(filename): try: # do a touch open(filename, 'w').close() except: print('Could not touch ' + filename) # Create a "transaction" -- a way of grouping operations together so they all # happen or none of them do. transaction = service.transaction() incomingPath = incoming.getAbsolutePath() # Get the incoming name and set the Data Set Type based on this name = incoming.getName() split=name.split("_") if (len(split) == 4): DSTYPE='ILLUMINA_HISEQ_OUTPUT' flowcell=name.split("_")[-1][1:] if (len(split) ==2): DSTYPE='ILLUMINA_GA_OUTPUT' flowcell=name.split("_")[-1] # fix Illumina Script error: the GA FC Name does not contain a suffix A or B so noes not need to be removed # but Illumina removes it anyway, so we just revert this #os.rename(incomingPath + '/' + UNALIGNED_FOLDER + '/' + BASECALL_STATS_FOLDER + name.split("_")[-1][1:], incomingPath + '/' + UNALIGNED_FOLDER +'/' + BASECALL_STATS_FOLDER + flowcell) #move Lanes into a different drop box laneList=glob.glob(incomingPath + '/'+ UNALIGNED_FOLDER + REGEX_LANES) laneList.sort() undeterminedList=glob.glob(incomingPath + '/'+ UNALIGNED_FOLDER + REGEX_UNDETERMINED) undeterminedList.sort() # Multiplexing: # First move the Undetermined reads to the other ones [shutil.move(undeterminedLane, laneList[int(undeterminedLane.split('/')[-1][-1])-1] +'/' + undeterminedLane.split('/')[-1]) for undeterminedLane in undeterminedList] [shutil.move(lane, LANE_FOLDER+lane.split('/')[-1]) for lane in laneList] markerFileList = [touch_markerfile(LANE_FOLDER+MARKER_STRING+lane.split('/')[-1]) for lane in laneList] # Create a data set and set type dataSet = transaction.createNewDataSet("BASECALL_STATS") dataSet.setMeasuredData(False) # Build up a list of file which are part of the data set fileList=glob.glob(incomingPath + '/'+ UNALIGNED_FOLDER + '/' + REGEX_FILES) [fileList.append(i) for i in glob.glob(incomingPath + '/' + UNALIGNED_FOLDER +'/' +REGEX_MAKEFILE)] # Add the incoming file into the data set transaction.createNewDirectory(dataSet, UNALIGNED_FOLDER) # move all files is data set [transaction.moveFile(file, dataSet, UNALIGNED_FOLDER) for file in fileList] # move base call stat dir into data set transaction.moveFile(incomingPath + '/' + UNALIGNED_FOLDER + '/' + BASECALL_STATS_FOLDER + flowcell, dataSet, UNALIGNED_FOLDER + '/') # Get the search service search_service = transaction.getSearchService() # Search for the sample sc = SearchCriteria() sc.addMatchClause(SearchCriteria.MatchClause.createAttributeMatch(SearchCriteria.MatchClauseAttribute.CODE, name)) foundSamples = search_service.searchForSamples(sc) if foundSamples.size() > 0: dataSet.setSample(foundSamples[0]) # Search for another data set of the same sample and make it a child of it dataSetSc = SearchCriteria() dataSetSc.addMatchClause(SearchCriteria.MatchClause.createAttributeMatch(SearchCriteria.MatchClauseAttribute.TYPE, DSTYPE)) dataSetSc.addSubCriteria(SearchSubCriteria.createSampleCriteria(sc)) foundDataSets = search_service.searchForDataSets(dataSetSc) if foundDataSets.size() > 0: dataSet.setParentDatasets([ds.getDataSetCode() for ds in foundDataSets]) shutil.rmtree(incomingPath)