from datetime import datetime from eu.basynthec.cisd.dss import TimeSeriesDataExcel import re def set_data_type(data_set): data_set.setPropertyValue("DATA_TYPE", "TRANSCRIPTOMICS") def getInitialDataRowAndCol(metadata): """Extract the initial row and column as specified in the metadata. Returns an array with [row, col].""" # get the raw value from the map first_data_row = metadata.get("START DATA ROW") first_data_col = metadata.get("START DATA COL") # convert the row numeric string to an int if first_data_row is None: first_data_row = 0 else: first_data_row = int(float(first_data_row)) - 1 # convert the column spreadsheet value to an int if first_data_col is None: first_data_col = 0 else: # columns start at A first_data_col = ord(first_data_col) - ord('A') return [first_data_row, first_data_col] def retrieve_experiment(tr, exp_id): """Get the specified experiment form the server. Return the experiment.""" if exp_id is None: exp = None else: exp = tr.getExperiment(exp_id) return exp def assign_properties(dataset, metadata): """Assign properties to the data set from information in the data.""" propertyNameMap = { "STRAIN_NAMES": "STRAIN_NAMES", "TIMEPOINT TYPE": "TIMEPOINT_TYPE", "CELL LOCATION": "CELL_LOCATION", "VALUE TYPE": "VALUE_TYPE", "VALUE UNIT": "VALUE_UNIT", "SCALE": "SCALE" } for prop in metadata.keySet(): key = propertyNameMap.get(prop) if key is not None: value = metadata.get(prop) if (key == "STRAIN"): value = value + " (STRAIN)" dataset.setPropertyValue(key, value.upper()) def convert_data_to_tsv(tr, start_row, start_col, dataset, location): """Create a tsv file containing the data and add it to the data set.""" tr.createNewDirectory(dataset, location) tsvFileName = tr.createNewFile(dataset, location, incoming.getName() + ".tsv") tsv = open(tsvFileName, 'w') raw_data = timeSeriesData.getRawDataLines() for i in range(start_row, len(raw_data)): line = raw_data[i] # write the metabolite id tsv.write(line[0]) tsv.write("\t") for j in range(start_col, len(line) - 1): tsv.write(line[j]) tsv.write("\t") tsv.write(line[len(line) - 1]) tsv.write("\n") tsv.close() class SplitColumnInfo: """ A class that stores, for each column in the file, the column number, the strain name, the biological replicate, the hybridization number, and the column offset in the resulting file """ def __init__(self, column, strain_name, bio_replicate, hybrid_number, output_col): self.column = column self.strain_name = strain_name self.bio_replicate = bio_replicate self.hybrid_number = hybrid_number self.output_col = output_col tsv = None def convert_data_to_split_tsv(tr, start_row, start_col, dataset, location): """Create one tsv file per strain in the original data.""" raw_data = timeSeriesData.getRawDataLines() # Keep track of the mapping from columns to strains and strains to columns column_infos = [] strain_column_info = {} # Extract the column / strain mapping header_line = raw_data[start_row] header_regex = re.compile("^(MGP[0-9]{1,3})-([0-9]) ([0-9]+)") for i in range(start_col, len(header_line)): match = header_regex.match(header_line[i]) strain_name = strain_cols = strain_column_info.setdefault(strain_name, []) column_info = SplitColumnInfo(i, strain_name,,, len(strain_cols)) strain_cols.append(column_info) column_infos.append(column_info) # create the files tr.createNewDirectory(dataset, location) for strain in strain_column_info.iterkeys(): tsvFileName = tr.createNewFile(dataset, location, incoming.getName() + "_" + strain + ".tsv") tsv = open(tsvFileName, 'w') for column_info in strain_column_info[strain]: column_info.tsv = tsv # Write the header line = raw_data[start_row] tag = line[0] # write the first column to each file for strain in strain_column_info.iterkeys(): strain_column_info[strain][0].tsv.write(tag) for column_info in column_infos: column_info.tsv.write('\t') column_info.tsv.write(column_info.bio_replicate) column_info.tsv.write(' ') column_info.tsv.write(column_info.hybrid_number) # Write the data to the files for i in range(start_row + 1, len(raw_data)): line = raw_data[i] tag = line[0] for strain in strain_column_info.iterkeys(): strain_column_info[strain][0].tsv.write('\n') # write the first column to each file strain_column_info[strain][0].tsv.write(tag) # Write the remaining data to each file for column_info in column_infos: column_info.tsv.write('\t') column_info.tsv.write(line[column_info.column]) # Close each file for strain in strain_column_info.iterkeys(): strain_column_info[strain][0].tsv.close() def store_original_data(tr, dataset, location): """Put the original data into the data set.""" tr.createNewDirectory(dataset, location) tr.moveFile(incoming.getAbsolutePath(), dataset, location + "/" + incoming.getName()) def extract_strains(start_row, start_col): """Extract the strain names from the header.""" strains = [] line = timeSeriesData.getRawDataLines()[start_row] header_regex = re.compile("^(MGP[0-9]{1,3})-([0-9]) ([0-9]+)") for i in range(start_col, len(line)): match = header_regex.match(line[i]) strains.append( return ",".join(strains) tr = service.transaction(incoming) timeSeriesData = TimeSeriesDataExcel.createTimeSeriesDataExcel(incoming.getAbsolutePath()) dataStart = getInitialDataRowAndCol(timeSeriesData.getMetadataMap()) # create the data set and assign the metadata from the file dataset = tr.createNewDataSet("TRANSCRIPTOMICS") metadata = timeSeriesData.getMetadataMap() metadata["STRAIN_NAMES"] = extract_strains(dataStart[0], dataStart[1]) assign_properties(dataset, metadata) # Store the original and tsv data in data sets original_dataset = tr.createNewDataSet("EXCEL_ORIGINAL") set_data_type(original_dataset) store_original_data(tr, original_dataset, "xls") tsv_dataset = tr.createNewDataSet("TSV_MULTISTRAIN_EXPORT") set_data_type(tsv_dataset) convert_data_to_tsv(tr, dataStart[0], dataStart[1], tsv_dataset, "tsv-multi") tsv_split_dataset = tr.createNewDataSet("TSV_EXPORT") set_data_type(tsv_split_dataset) convert_data_to_split_tsv(tr, dataStart[0], dataStart[1], tsv_split_dataset, "tsv") # Make the original contain these contained_codes = [original_dataset.getDataSetCode(), tsv_dataset.getDataSetCode(), tsv_split_dataset.getDataSetCode()] dataset.setContainedDataSetCodes(contained_codes) # If no experiment has been set, then get the experiment from the excel file if dataset.getExperiment() is None: exp_id = metadata.get("EXPERIMENT") exp = retrieve_experiment(tr, exp_id) if exp is not None: dataset.setExperiment(exp) original_dataset.setExperiment(exp) tsv_dataset.setExperiment(exp) tsv_split_dataset.setExperiment(exp)