require(multicore) require(ShortRead) require(RColorBrewer) require(RSvgDevice) # ShortRead Quality assessment ################################################ args <- commandArgs(TRUE) fastq_file <- args[1] # Ugly but only way to simulate a rsplit p="" tokens<-unlist(strsplit(fastq_file, "/")) path_tokens<-tokens[2:(length(tokens)-1)] fastq_only<-tokens[length(tokens)] for (x in 1:length(path_tokens)) p<-paste(p,path_tokens[x],sep="/") qa <- qa(p,fastq_only, type="fastq") qa_report <- report (qa, dest=paste(fastq_file, "ShortRead_qa", sep="_"), type="html") # Boxplot for per cycle Phred quality reads <- readFastq(fastq_file) # if more than a million reads, sample randomly if (length(reads) > 10000000) { reads <- sample(reads,10000000) } qual <- FastqQuality(quality(quality(reads))) # get quality scores readM <- as(qual, "matrix") # convert scores to matrix devSVG(file = paste(fastq_file,"boxplot.svg", sep="_"), width = 10, height = 8, bg = "white", fg = "black", onefile=TRUE, xmlHeader=TRUE) boxplot(readM, outline = FALSE, main="Per Cycle Read Quality", sub=fastq_file, xlab="Cycle", ylab="Phred Quality", col=brewer.pal(11, "Spectral")[1]) # Save box plot as boxplot.pdf in current folder pdf(file=paste(fastq_file,"boxplot.pdf", sep="_")) boxplot(readM, outline = FALSE, main="Per Cycle Read Quality", sub=fastq_file, xlab="Cycle", ylab="Phred Quality", col=brewer.pal(11, "Spectral")[1]) # Nucleotides per Cycle ###################################################### a <-alphabetByCycle(sread(reads)) cycles <- dim(a)[2] total_number_bases_first_cycle <- a[,1][[1]]+ a[,1][[2]]+a[,1][[3]]+ a[,1][[4]] + a[,1][[5]] n <- c(names(a[1,1]),names(a[2,1]), names(a[3,1]), names(a[4,1]), names(a[15,1])) # Save box plot in current folder pdf(file=paste(fastq_only,"nuc_per_cycle.pdf", sep="_")) par(xpd=T, mar=par()$mar+c(0,0,0,4)) barplot(a, main="Numbers of nucleotides per cycle", sub=fastq_file, ylab="Absolute number", col=heat.colors(5), names.arg=c(1:cycles)) legend(cycles+10, total_number_bases_first_cycle, n, fill=heat.colors(5)) devSVG(file = paste(fastq_only,"nuc_per_cycle.svg", sep="_"), width = 10, height = 8, bg = "white", fg = "black", onefile=TRUE, xmlHeader=TRUE) par(xpd=T, mar=par()$mar+c(0,0,0,4)) barplot(a, main="Numbers of nucleotides per cycle", sub=fastq_file, ylab="Absolute number", col=heat.colors(5), names.arg=c(1:cycles)) legend(cycles+10, total_number_bases_first_cycle, n, fill=heat.colors(5)) # Taken from # seq <- readFastq(fastq_file) tbl <- tables(seq)[[2]] pdf(file=paste(fastq_only,"NumberOfOccurrences.pdf", sep="_")) ## Calculate and plot cumulative reads vs. occurrences xyplot(cumsum(nReads * nOccurrences) ~ nOccurrences, tbl, scales=list(x=list(log=TRUE)), main=fastq_only, type="b", pch=20, xlab="Number of Occurrences", ylab="Cumulative Number of Reads") devSVG(file = paste(fastq_only,"NumberOfOccurrences.svg", sep="_"), width = 10, height = 8, bg = "white", fg = "black", onefile=TRUE, xmlHeader=TRUE) xyplot(cumsum(nReads * nOccurrences) ~ nOccurrences, tbl, scales=list(x=list(log=TRUE)), main=fastq_only, type="b", pch=20, xlab="Number of Occurrences", ylab="Cumulative Number of Reads")