# Unique code of this Data Store Server. Not more than 40 characters. data-store-server-code = standard root-dir = targets # The root directory of the data store storeroot-dir = ${root-dir}/store # The directory for incoming files over rpc rpc-incoming-dir = ${root-dir}/incoming-rpc # The directory where the command queue file is located; defaults to storeroot-dir commandqueue-dir = # Port port = 8889 # Session timeout in minutes session-timeout = 30 # Set to 'false' for development/testing without deployed server. In this mode datastore will not use # SSL when connecting to openbis. Otherwise all 'keystore' properties need to be set for SSL connection # (default when use-ssl property is not set so there is no need to specify it on production servers). use-ssl = false # Path, password and key password for SSL connection #keystore.path = dist/etc/openBIS.keystore #keystore.password = changeit #keystore.key-password = changeit # The check interval (in seconds) check-interval = 5 # The time-out for clean up work in the shutdown sequence (in seconds). # Note that that the maximal time for the shutdown sequence to complete can be as large # as twice this time. shutdown-timeout = 2 # If free disk space goes below value defined here, a notification email will be sent. # Value must be specified in kilobytes (1048576 = 1024 * 1024 = 1GB). If no high water mark is # specified or if value is negative, the system will not be watching. highwater-mark = 1048576 # If a data set is successfully registered it sends out an email to the registrator. # If this property is not specified, no email is sent to the registrator. This property # does not affect the mails which are sent, when the data set could not be registered. notify-successful-registration = false # The URL of the openBIS server server-url = http://localhost:8888 # The location of the jars accessable to web start clients webstart-jar-path = targets/dist/datastore_server/lib # The username to use when contacting the openBIS server username = etlserver # The password to use when contacting the openBIS server password = doesnotmatter # # CIFEX configuration: Only needed if data export should work without the user having to type in # his password. Note that in in order for this to work the CIFEX server needs to be configured to # allow calling setSessionUser() from the IP address of this data store server, see configuration # option allowed-ips-for-set-session-user in CIFEX's service.properties # # The admin username to use when contacting the CIFEX server cifex-admin-username = # The admin password to use when contacting the CIFEX server cifex-admin-password = # The base URL for Web client access. download-url = http://localhost:8889 # SMTP properties (must start with 'mail' to be considered). mail.smtp.host = file://${root-dir}/email mail.from = datastore_server@localhost mail.smtp.user = mail.smtp.password = # If this property is set a test e-mail will be sent to the specified address after DSS successfully started-up. mail.test.address = test@localhost # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Data sources data-sources = path-info-db # Data source for pathinfo database path-info-db.version-holder-class = ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.generic.shared.PathInfoDatabaseVersionHolder path-info-db.databaseEngineCode = postgresql path-info-db.basicDatabaseName = pathinfo path-info-db.databaseKind = dev path-info-db.scriptFolder = ../datastore_server/source/sql # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Maximum number of retries if renaming failed. # renaming.failure.max-retries = 12 # The number of milliseconds to wait before retrying to execute the renaming process. # renaming.failure.millis-to-sleep = 5000 # Globally used separator character which separates entities in a data set file name data-set-file-name-entity-separator = _ # The period of no write access that needs to pass before an incoming data item is considered # complete and ready to be processed (in seconds) [default: 300]. # Valid only when auto-detection method is used to determine if an incoming data are ready to be processed. quiet-period = 3 # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # reporting and processing plugins configuration # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Comma separated names of reporting plugins. Each plugin should have configuration properties prefixed with its name. # If name has 'default-' prefix it will be used by default in data set Data View. reporting-plugins = demo-reporter, tsv-viewer, csv-viewer, hcs-viewer, hcs-viewer-tiff, default-hcs-viewer # Label of the plugin which will be shown for the users. demo-reporter.label = Show Dataset Size # Comma separated list of dataset type codes which can be handled by this plugin. demo-reporter.dataset-types = HCS_IMAGE # Plugin class specification (together with the list of packages this class belongs to). demo-reporter.class = ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.generic.server.plugins.demo.DemoReportingPlugin # The property file. Its content will be passed as a parameter to the plugin. demo-reporter.properties-file = tsv-viewer.label = TSV View tsv-viewer.dataset-types = TSV tsv-viewer.class = ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.generic.server.plugins.standard.TSVViewReportingPlugin tsv-viewer.properties-file = csv-viewer.label = CSV View csv-viewer.dataset-types = CSV csv-viewer.class = ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.generic.server.plugins.standard.TSVViewReportingPlugin csv-viewer.separator = , hcs-viewer.label = HCS PNG hcs-viewer.dataset-types = HCS_IMAGE hcs-viewer.class = ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.generic.server.plugins.standard.GenericDssLinkReportingPlugin hcs-viewer.download-url = ${download-url} hcs-viewer.data-set-regex = .*/PNG/.*\.jpg hcs-viewer.data-set-path = original hcs-viewer-tiff.label = HCS TIFF hcs-viewer-tiff.dataset-types = HCS_IMAGE hcs-viewer-tiff.class = ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.generic.server.plugins.standard.GenericDssLinkReportingPlugin hcs-viewer-tiff.download-url = ${download-url} hcs-viewer-tiff.data-set-regex = .*/TIFF/.*\.jpg hcs-viewer-tiff.data-set-path = original default-hcs-viewer.label = Default HCS View default-hcs-viewer.dataset-types = HCS_IMAGE default-hcs-viewer.class = ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.generic.server.plugins.standard.GenericDssLinkReportingPlugin default-hcs-viewer.download-url = ${download-url} default-hcs-viewer.data-set-regex = .*\.jpg # Comma separated names of processing plugins. Each plugin should have configuration properties prefixed with its name. processing-plugins = demo-processor # The configuration of the processing plugin is the same as the reporting plugins configuration. demo-processor.label = Demo Processing demo-processor.dataset-types = HCS_IMAGE demo-processor.class = ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.generic.server.plugins.demo.DemoProcessingPlugin demo-processor.properties-file = # Data set validators used to accept or reject data sets to be registered. # Comma separated list of validator definitions. data-set-validators = validator # Definition of data set validator 'validator' validator.data-set-type = HCS_IMAGE validator.path-patterns = **/*.txt validator.columns = id, description, size validator.id.header-pattern = ID validator.id.mandatory = true validator.id.order = 1 validator.id.value-type = unique validator.description.header-pattern = Description validator.description.value-type = string validator.description.value-pattern = .{0,100} validator.size.header-pattern = A[0-9]+ validator.size.can-define-multiple-columns = true validator.size.allow-empty-values = true validator.size.value-type = numeric validator.site.value-range = [0,Infinity) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Comma separated names of processing threads. Each thread should have configuration properties prefixed with its name. # E.g. 'code-extractor' property for the thread 'my-etl' should be specified as 'my-etl.code-extractor' inputs=main-thread, tsv-thread, csv-thread, simple-thread, hdf5-thread, dss-system-test-thread # True if incoming directories should be created on server startup if they don't exist. # Default - false (server will fail at startup if one of incoming directories doesn't exist). incoming-dir-create = true # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Dataset uploader 'main-thread' configuration # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The directory to watch for incoming data. main-thread.incoming-dir = ${root-dir}/incoming # Specifies what should happen if an error occurs during dataset processing. # By default this flag is set to false and user has to modify the 'faulty paths file' # each time the faulty dataset should be processed again. # Set this flag to true if the processing should be repeated after some time without manual intervention. # Note that this can increase the server load. # main-thread.reprocess-faulty-datasets = false # Determines when the incoming data should be considered complete and ready to be processed. # Allowed values: # - auto-detection - when no write access will be detected for a specified 'quite-period' # - marker-file - when an appropriate marker file for the data exists. # The default value is 'marker-file'. main-thread.incoming-data-completeness-condition = marker-file # The store format that should be applied in the incoming directory. main-thread.incoming-dir.format = # The extractor plugin class to use for code extraction main-thread.data-set-info-extractor = ch.systemsx.cisd.etlserver.DefaultDataSetInfoExtractor # Separator used to extract the barcode in the data set file name main-thread.data-set-info-extractor.entity-separator = ${data-set-file-name-entity-separator} #main-thread.data-set-info-extractor.space-code = CISD # Location of file containing data set properties #main-thread.data-set-info-extractor.data-set-properties-file-name = data-set.properties main-thread.type-extractor = ch.systemsx.cisd.etlserver.SimpleTypeExtractor main-thread.type-extractor.file-format-type = TIFF main-thread.type-extractor.locator-type = RELATIVE_LOCATION main-thread.type-extractor.data-set-type = HCS_IMAGE # The storage processor (IStorageProcessor implementation) main-thread.storage-processor = ch.systemsx.cisd.etlserver.DefaultStorageProcessor main-thread.storage-processor.version = 1.1 main-thread.storage-processor.sampleTypeCode = CELL_PLATE main-thread.storage-processor.sampleTypeDescription = Screening Plate main-thread.storage-processor.format = HCS_IMAGE V1.0 main-thread.storage-processor.number_of_channels = 2 main-thread.storage-processor.contains_original_data = TRUE main-thread.storage-processor.well_geometry = 3x3 main-thread.storage-processor.file-extractor = ch.systemsx.cisd.etlserver.imsb.HCSImageFileExtractor # Path to the script that will be executed after successful data set registration. # The script will be called with two parameters: and (in the data store). # main-thread.post-registration-script = /example/scripts/my-script.sh # The directory to watch for incoming data. tsv-thread.incoming-dir = ${root-dir}/incoming-tsv tsv-thread.incoming-data-completeness-condition = auto-detection tsv-thread.strip-file-extension = true tsv-thread.storage-processor = ch.systemsx.cisd.etlserver.DefaultStorageProcessor # The extractor plugin class to use for code extraction tsv-thread.data-set-info-extractor = ch.systemsx.cisd.etlserver.DefaultDataSetInfoExtractor # Separator used to extract the barcode in the data set file name tsv-thread.data-set-info-extractor.entity-separator = ${data-set-file-name-entity-separator} tsv-thread.data-set-info-extractor.strip-file-extension = true #main-thread.data-set-info-extractor.space-code = CISD # Location of file containing data set properties #main-thread.data-set-info-extractor.data-set-properties-file-name = data-set.properties tsv-thread.type-extractor = ch.systemsx.cisd.etlserver.SimpleTypeExtractor tsv-thread.type-extractor.file-format-type = TSV tsv-thread.type-extractor.locator-type = RELATIVE_LOCATION tsv-thread.type-extractor.data-set-type = TSV csv-thread.incoming-dir = ${root-dir}/incoming-csv csv-thread.incoming-data-completeness-condition = auto-detection csv-thread.storage-processor = ch.systemsx.cisd.etlserver.DefaultStorageProcessor # The extractor plugin class to use for code extraction csv-thread.data-set-info-extractor = ch.systemsx.cisd.etlserver.DefaultDataSetInfoExtractor # Separator used to extract the barcode in the data set file name csv-thread.data-set-info-extractor.entity-separator = ${data-set-file-name-entity-separator} csv-thread.data-set-info-extractor.strip-file-extension = true csv-thread.data-set-info-extractor.space-code = CISD # Location of file containing data set properties #main-thread.data-set-info-extractor.data-set-properties-file-name = data-set.properties csv-thread.type-extractor = ch.systemsx.cisd.etlserver.SimpleTypeExtractor csv-thread.type-extractor.file-format-type = CSV csv-thread.type-extractor.locator-type = RELATIVE_LOCATION csv-thread.type-extractor.data-set-type = CSV # The directory to watch for incoming data. simple-thread.incoming-dir = ${root-dir}/incoming-simple simple-thread.incoming-data-completeness-condition = auto-detection simple-thread.strip-file-extension = true simple-thread.storage-processor = ch.systemsx.cisd.etlserver.DefaultStorageProcessor # The extractor plugin class to use for code extraction simple-thread.data-set-info-extractor = ch.systemsx.cisd.etlserver.DefaultDataSetInfoExtractor # Separator used to extract the barcode in the data set file name simple-thread.data-set-info-extractor.entity-separator = ${data-set-file-name-entity-separator} simple-thread.data-set-info-extractor.strip-file-extension = true simple-thread.data-set-info-extractor.space-code = CISD simple-thread.type-extractor = ch.systemsx.cisd.etlserver.SimpleTypeExtractor simple-thread.type-extractor.file-format-type = TIFF simple-thread.type-extractor.locator-type = RELATIVE_LOCATION simple-thread.type-extractor.data-set-type = HCS_IMAGE # The directory to watch for incoming data. hdf5-thread.incoming-dir = ${root-dir}/incoming-hdf5 hdf5-thread.incoming-data-completeness-condition = auto-detection hdf5-thread.strip-file-extension = true hdf5-thread.storage-processor = ch.systemsx.cisd.etlserver.hdf5.Hdf5StorageProcessor # The extractor plugin class to use for code extraction hdf5-thread.data-set-info-extractor = ch.systemsx.cisd.etlserver.DefaultDataSetInfoExtractor # Separator used to extract the barcode in the data set file name hdf5-thread.data-set-info-extractor.entity-separator = ${data-set-file-name-entity-separator} hdf5-thread.data-set-info-extractor.strip-file-extension = true hdf5-thread.data-set-info-extractor.space-code = SPACE hdf5-thread.type-extractor = ch.systemsx.cisd.etlserver.SimpleTypeExtractor hdf5-thread.type-extractor.file-format-type = HDF5 hdf5-thread.type-extractor.locator-type = RELATIVE_LOCATION hdf5-thread.type-extractor.data-set-type = HCS_IMAGE dss-system-test-thread.incoming-dir = ${root-dir}/incoming-simple dss-system-test-thread.incoming-data-completeness-condition = auto-detection dss-system-test-thread.strip-file-extension = true dss-system-test-thread.storage-processor = ch.systemsx.cisd.etlserver.DefaultStorageProcessor # The extractor plugin class to use for code extraction dss-system-test-thread.data-set-info-extractor = ch.systemsx.cisd.etlserver.DefaultDataSetInfoExtractor # Separator used to extract the barcode in the data set file name dss-system-test-thread.data-set-info-extractor.entity-separator = ${data-set-file-name-entity-separator} dss-system-test-thread.data-set-info-extractor.strip-file-extension = true dss-system-test-thread.data-set-info-extractor.space-code = CISD dss-system-test-thread.data-set-info-extractor.data-set-properties-file-name = data-set.properties dss-system-test-thread.type-extractor = ch.systemsx.cisd.etlserver.SimpleTypeExtractor dss-system-test-thread.type-extractor.file-format-type = TIFF dss-system-test-thread.type-extractor.locator-type = RELATIVE_LOCATION dss-system-test-thread.type-extractor.data-set-type = HCS_IMAGE # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # (optional) image overview plugins configuration # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Comma separated names of image overview plugins. # Each plugin should have configuration properties prefixed with its name. # Generic properties for each include: # .class - Fully qualified plugin class name (mandatory). # .default - If true all data set types not handled by other plugins should be handled # by the plugin (default = false). # .dataset-types - Comma separated list of data set types handled by the plugin # (optional and ignored if default is true, otherwise mandatory). overview-plugins = default-overview, hcs-image-overview default-overview.class = ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.generic.server.plugins.demo.DemoOverviewPlugin default-overview.default = true # Optional property specific to the plugin default-overview.label = default plugin hcs-image-overview.class = ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.generic.server.plugins.demo.DemoOverviewPlugin hcs-image-overview.dataset-types = HCS_IMAGE hcs-image-overview.label = plugin for HCS_IMAGE # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # (optional) archiver configuration # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Configuration of an archiver task. All properties are prefixed with 'archiver.'. # Archiver class specification (together with the list of packages this class belongs to). #archiver.class = ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.generic.server.plugins.demo.DemoArchiver archiver.class = ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.generic.server.plugins.standard.RsyncArchiver # dectination of the archive (can be local or remote) # local: #archiver.destination = openbis:tmp/dest # remote: archiver.destination = /Users/openbis/dest # indicates if data should be synchronized when local copy differs from one in archive (default: true) archiver.synchronize-archive = true # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # maintenance plugins configuration # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Comma separated names of maintenance plugins. # Each plugin should have configuration properties prefixed with its name. # Mandatory properties for each include: # .class - Fully qualified plugin class name # .interval - The time between plugin executions (in seconds) # Optional properties for each include: # .start - Time of the first execution (HH:mm) # .execute-only-once - If true the task will be executed exactly once, # interval will be ignored. By default set to false. maintenance-plugins = auto-archiver # Performs automatic archivization of 'ACTIVE' data sets based on their properties auto-archiver.class = ch.systemsx.cisd.etlserver.plugins.AutoArchiverTask # The time between subsequent archivizations (in seconds) auto-archiver.interval = 10 # Time of the first execution (HH:mm) auto-archiver.start = 23:00 # following properties are optional # only data sets of specified type will be archived #auto-archiver.data-set-type = UNKNOWN # only data sets that are older than specified number of days will be archived (default = 0) #auto-archiver.older-than = 90 # fully qualified class name of a policy that additionally filters data sets to be filtered #auto-archiver.policy.class = ch.systemsx.cisd.etlserver.plugins.DummyAutoArchiverPolicy # Maintenance task (performed only once) to create paths of existing data sets in pathinfo database path-info-feeding.class = ch.systemsx.cisd.etlserver.path.PathInfoDatabaseFeedingTask path-info-feeding.execute-only-once = true # Maintenance task for deleting entries in pathinfo database after deletion of data sets path-info-deletion.class = ch.systemsx.cisd.etlserver.plugins.DeleteFromExternalDBMaintenanceTask path-info-deletion.interval = 120 path-info-deletion.data-source = path-info-db path-info-deletion.data-set-perm-id = CODE # Maintenance task for post registration of all paths of a freshly registered data set to be fed into pathinfo database post-registration.class = ch.systemsx.cisd.etlserver.postregistration.PostRegistrationMaintenanceTask post-registration.interval = 30 post-registration.cleanup-tasks-folder = targets/cleanup-tasks # The following date should the day when the DDS is started up the first time with PathInfoDatabaseFeedingTask. # After PathInfoDatabaseFeedingTask has been performed it can be removed and the following line can be deleted. post-registration.ignore-data-sets-before-date = 2011-04-18 post-registration.last-seen-data-set-file = targets/last-seen-data-set post-registration.post-registration-tasks = pathinfo-feeding post-registration.pathinfo-feeding.class = ch.systemsx.cisd.etlserver.path.PathInfoDatabaseFeedingTask # # FTP server configuration # # when set to 'true' an internal ftp server will be started. it provides users with an alternative # way to interact with their data (i.e. via an FTP client). #ftp.server.enable=false # # port where the FTP server will be started. Optional parameter, default value is 2121 #ftp.server.port=2121 # # Similar to the global 'use-ssl' parameter. When set to 'true' all 'keystore' properties become mandatory. #ftp.server.use-ssl=true # # maximum number of threads used by the internal FTP server. Defaults to 25. #ftp.server.maxThreads=25 # # The virtual folder structure supplied by the FTP server looks like # ${space}/${project}/${experiment}/ # While the first 3 levels in the hierarchy are not configurable, the format of the '' # can be specified with a template using the following built-in variables : # ${dataSetCode} - the data set code # ${dataSetType} - the data set type # ${dataSetDate} - the creation date of the data set # ${disambiguation} - if ${dataSetCode} is not used, the ${disambiguation} variable must be present # in the template in order to avoid path collisions. # ${fileName} - When ${fileName} is specified in the template, '' will include # the name of a file located directly under the dataset root folder. One entry will be created # for earch such file. # Example : # ftp.server.dataset.display.template=${dataSetDate}-${disambiguation}-${fileName} # Result : # /SPACE/PROJECT/EXPERIMENT/2011-10-10-10-10-A-file1.txt # /SPACE/PROJECT/EXPERIMENT/2011-10-10-10-10-A-file2.pdf # /SPACE/PROJECT/EXPERIMENT/2011-10-10-10-10-B-file1.txt # /SPACE/PROJECT/EXPERIMENT/2011-10-10-10-10-B-file2.pdf # # Optional parameter, default template value is ${dataSetCode} #ftp.server.dataset.display.template=${dataSetCode} # # Specifies that the contents of a dataset should be listed starting from a preconfigured subpath. # The property is only configurable per data set type. # Example (will hide a single top level folder starting with 'orig' for datasets of type HCS_IMAGE): # ftp.server.dataset.filelist.subpath.HCS_IMAGE = orig[^/]* #ftp.server.dataset.filelist.subpath.= # # A filter pattern appiled to all files within a data set. Files not matching the pattern will be # hidden and FTP users will not see them. # Example (will only show PNG files for data sets of type HCS_IMAGE): # ftp.server.dataset.filelist.filter.HCS_IMAGE= .*png