This directory contains: - version 7.1.4 of jetty with configuration that allows easy deployment of Plasmapper (port 8082) - PlasMapper_download.tar.gz version 2.0 of PlasMapper downloaded from - compressed distribution directory created in step 4 of the following instructions - exmple GB file that can be used for testing after installation is complete *Installation instructions for version 2.0* 1. Unpack PlasMapper_download.tar.gz into your workspace. 2. In order to use the project in eclipse perform the following steps: - Create a new project in eclipse using PlasMapper as source directory - Fix build path: -- remove /tmp/tomcat/common/lib/servlet-api.jar -- add /libraries/jetty/servlet-api-2.5.jar - [optional] change settings (can be done later, deployment) -- properties file: -- change '/home/tomcat/webapps/PlasMapper' to the path where PlasMapper will be deploed -- 'plasMapRoot' can lead to an external directory, where PlasMapper will create tmp directory for its output 3. in build.xml change values of properties: - - 4. run ant install 5. copy dist/webapps/PlasMapper to webapps of the application server (make sure are properly configured) Additionally there needs to be blastall installed on the machine running PlasMapper. Latest version can be downloaded from Go to /PlasMapper/ after deployment to check that everything is working. You should be able to generate a PNG for '' file from this directory: - select the GB file - change the Image Size from 850x750 to 1200x1000 - click on Graphic Map button (below DNA sequence text area)