authentication-service = dummy-authentication-service database.engine = postgresql database.create-from-scratch = true database.script-single-step-mode = false database.url-host-part = database.kind = integration_test crowd.service.url = crowd.service.port = 8443 = lims crowd.application.password = xxx script-folder = . dao-factory = postgresql-dao-factory access-controller = etlchecking-access-controller database.owner = database.owner-password = database.admin-user = postgres database.admin-password = mail.from = openbis@localhost = mail.smtp.user = lims mail.smtp.password = # Properties for ProcessingPathValidator: # path prefixes for each procedure type processing-instruction.DATA_ACQUISITION.prefix-for-absolute-paths = processing-instruction.DATA_ACQUISITION.prefix-for-relative-paths = ../../data/ processing-instruction.IMAGE_ANALYSIS.prefix-for-absolute-paths = processing-instruction.IMAGE_ANALYSIS.prefix-for-relative-paths = # The time after which an inactive session is expired by the service (in minutes). session-timeout = 30 # Group identifier (mandatory). group-code = CISD # The database instance unique identifier. # Replaces the one found in the database if CHANGEME. database-instance = # Workflow code name (mandatory; available values: strict, plates-on-demand) workflow-code = strict # Base URL of the data set download service dataset-download-service-base-url = http://localhost:8081/dataset-download