/* * Copyright 2012 ETH Zuerich, CISD * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // // CISDOBIpadServiceManager.h // BisMac // // Created by Ramakrishnan Chandrasekhar on 10/30/12. // // #import #import "CISDOBShared.h" // // The names of the notifications posted by the service manager. // // The notifications include a userInfo dictionary with the following // keys and values: // NSUnderlyingErrorKey If in the dictionary, the error that occured when making the call. // FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString *const CISDOBIpadServiceWillLoginNotification; FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString *const CISDOBIpadServiceDidLoginNotification; FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString *const CISDOBIpadServiceWillRetrieveRootLevelEntitiesNotification; FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString *const CISDOBIpadServiceDidRetrieveRootLevelEntitiesNotification; FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString *const CISDOBIpadServiceWillDrillOnEntityNotification; FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString *const CISDOBIpadServiceDidDrillOnEntityNotification; FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString *const CISDOBIpadServiceWillRetrieveDetailsForEntityNotification; FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString *const CISDOBIpadServiceDidRetrieveDetailsForEntityNotification; FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString *const CISDOBIpadServiceWillSynchEntitiesNotification; FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString *const CISDOBIpadServiceDidSynchEntitiesNotification; FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString *const CISDOBIpadServiceWillSynchPruningEntitiesNotification; FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString *const CISDOBIpadServiceDidSynchPruningEntitiesNotification; FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString *const CISDOBIpadServiceWillSearchForEntitiesNotification; FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString *const CISDOBIpadServiceDidSearchForEntitiesNotification; // // Errors that can happen in the service manager // //! The error domain for errors in the service manager layer FOUNDATION_EXPORT NSString *const CISDOBIpadServiceManagerErrorDomain; enum CISDOBIpadServiceManagerErrorCode { kCISDOBIpadServiceManagerError_ImageRetrievalCouldNotConnectToServer = 1, }; @class CISDOBIpadService, CISDOBIpadServiceManager, CISDOBAsyncCall, CISDOBIpadEntity, CISDOBIpadServerInfo; // // Typedefs // typedef void (^AuthenticationChallengeBlock)(CISDOBAsyncCall *call, NSURLAuthenticationChallenge *challange); typedef void (^MocSaveBlock)(CISDOBIpadServiceManager *serviceManager, NSArray *deletedEntityPermIds); typedef void (^MocPostSaveBlock)(CISDOBIpadServiceManager *serviceManager); /** * \brief A class that manages a connection to the openBIS iPad service, caching data locally as CISDOBIpadEntity objects. */ @interface CISDOBIpadServiceManager : NSObject @property (readonly) NSURL *openbisUrl; @property (readonly) CISDOBIpadService *service; @property (readonly) NSString *username; @property (readonly) NSString *password; @property (readonly) NSURL *storeUrl; @property (readonly) NSManagedObjectContext *managedObjectContext; @property (readonly) NSManagedObjectModel *managedObjectModel; @property (readonly) NSPersistentStoreCoordinator *persistentStoreCoordinator; @property (readonly) NSEntityDescription *ipadEntityDescription; @property (readonly) NSOperationQueue *queue; @property (readonly) NSString *sessionToken; @property (nonatomic, getter=isOnline) BOOL online; @property (getter=isSyncDone) BOOL syncDone; @property (strong) CISDOBIpadServerInfo *serverInfo; @property(readonly) NSDate *lastRootSetSyncDate; //! Called when the service encounters an authentication challenge @property (copy, nonatomic) AuthenticationChallengeBlock authenticationChallengeBlock; //! Called before the service manager saves the managed object context which will delete the entities with the deletedEntityPermIds @property (copy, nonatomic) MocSaveBlock mocSaveBlock; //! Called after the service manager successfully saves the managed object context @property (copy, nonatomic) MocPostSaveBlock mocPostSaveBlock; // Initialization - (id)initWithStoreUrl:(NSURL *)storeUrl openbisUrl:(NSURL *)openbisUrl trusted:(BOOL)trusted error:(NSError **)error; // Properties - (void)setOpenbisUrl:(NSURL *)openbisUrl trusted:(BOOL)trusted; // // Server Actions -- actions that communicate with the server // //! Log the user into the openBIS instance - (CISDOBAsyncCall *)loginUser:(NSString *)user password:(NSString *)password; //! Get all root-level entities from the openBIS ipad service and store the results in the managedObjectContext. - (CISDOBAsyncCall *)retrieveRootLevelEntities; //! Get drill information from the openBIS ipad service and store the results in the managedObjectContext. - (CISDOBAsyncCall *)drillOnEntity:(CISDOBIpadEntity *)entity; //! Get detail information from the openBIS ipad service and store the results in the managedObjectContext. - (CISDOBAsyncCall *)detailsForEntity:(CISDOBIpadEntity *)entity; //! Get images for the entity, if there are any. The success block will be called with a CISDOBIpadImage object that describes the location of the image and contains the bytes for the image. - (CISDOBAsyncCall *)imagesForEntity:(CISDOBIpadEntity *)entity; //! Get drill information from the openBIS ipad service and store the results in the managedObjectContext. - (CISDOBAsyncCall *)drillOnEntities:(NSArray *)entities; //! Get detail information from the openBIS ipad service and store the results in the managedObjectContext. - (CISDOBAsyncCall *)detailsForEntities:(NSArray *)entities; //! Search for entities in the searchDomain matching the searchText and store the results in the managedObjectContext. The searchDomain can be nil. - (CISDOBAsyncCall *)searchForText:(NSString *)searchText domain:(id)searchDomain; // // Local Actions -- actions that do not require a network connection // - (NSArray *)allIpadEntitiesOrError:(NSError **)error; - (NSArray *)entitiesByPermId:(NSArray *)permIds error:(NSError **)error; - (NSArray *)entitiesNotUpdatedSince:(NSDate *)date error:(NSError **)error; - (NSFetchRequest *)fetchRequestForEntities; - (NSFetchRequest *)fetchRequestForEntitiesByPermId:(NSArray *)permIds; - (NSFetchRequest *)fetchRequestForEntitiesNotUpdatedSince:(NSDate *)date; - (NSArray *)executeFetchRequest:(NSFetchRequest *)fetchRequest error:(NSError **)error; @end /** * \brief An abstraction for an image to display in openBIS. */ @interface CISDOBIpadImage : NSObject @property(copy, nonatomic) NSString *MIMEType; @property(copy, nonatomic) NSString *textEncodingName; @property(copy, nonatomic) NSURL *url; @property(strong, nonatomic) NSData *imageData; @end