package test.hdf5lib; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import; import ncsa.hdf.hdf5lib.H5; import ncsa.hdf.hdf5lib.HDF5Constants; import ncsa.hdf.hdf5lib.exceptions.HDF5Exception; import ncsa.hdf.hdf5lib.exceptions.HDF5LibraryException; import ncsa.hdf.hdf5lib.structs.H5A_info_t; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; @SuppressWarnings("all") public class TestH5A { private static final String H5_FILE = "test.h5"; private static final int DIM_X = 4; private static final int DIM_Y = 6; int H5fid = -1; int H5dsid = -1; int H5did = -1; long[] H5dims = { DIM_X, DIM_Y }; int type_id = -1; int space_id = -1; int lapl_id = -1; private final void _deleteFile(String filename) { File file = new File(filename); if (file.exists()) { try {file.delete();} catch (SecurityException e) {} } } private final int _createDataset(int fid, int dsid, String name, int dapl) { int did = -1; try { did = H5.H5Dcreate(fid, name, HDF5Constants.H5T_STD_I32BE, dsid, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, dapl); } catch (Throwable err) { err.printStackTrace(); fail("H5.H5Dcreate: " + err); } assertTrue("TestH5D._createDataset: ", did > 0); return did; } @Before public void createH5file() throws NullPointerException, HDF5Exception { assertTrue("H5 open ids is 0", H5.getOpenIDCount() == 0); try { H5fid = H5.H5Fcreate(H5_FILE, HDF5Constants.H5F_ACC_TRUNC, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT); assertTrue("TestH5D.createH5file: H5.H5Fcreate: ", H5fid > 0); H5dsid = H5.H5Screate_simple(2, H5dims, null); assertTrue("TestH5D.createH5file: H5.H5Screate_simple: ", H5dsid > 0); H5did = _createDataset(H5fid, H5dsid, "dset", HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT); assertTrue("TestH5D.createH5file: _createDataset: ", H5did > 0); space_id = H5.H5Screate(HDF5Constants.H5S_NULL); assertTrue(space_id > 0); lapl_id = H5.H5Pcreate(HDF5Constants.H5P_DATASET_ACCESS); assertTrue(lapl_id > 0); type_id = H5.H5Tenum_create(HDF5Constants.H5T_STD_I32LE); assertTrue(type_id > 0); int status = H5.H5Tenum_insert(type_id, "test", 1); assertTrue(status >= 0); } catch (Throwable err) { err.printStackTrace(); fail("TestH5D.createH5file: " + err); } H5.H5Fflush(H5fid, HDF5Constants.H5F_SCOPE_LOCAL); } @After public void deleteH5file() throws HDF5LibraryException { if (H5dsid > 0) try {H5.H5Sclose(H5dsid);} catch (Exception ex) {} if (H5did > 0) try {H5.H5Dclose(H5did);} catch (Exception ex) {} if (H5fid > 0) try {H5.H5Fclose(H5fid);} catch (Exception ex) {} _deleteFile(H5_FILE); if (type_id > 0) try {H5.H5Tclose(type_id);} catch (Exception ex) {} if (space_id > 0) try {H5.H5Sclose(space_id);} catch (Exception ex) {} if (lapl_id > 0) try {H5.H5Pclose(lapl_id);} catch (Exception ex) {} } @Test public void testH5Acreate2() { int attr_id = -1; try { attr_id = H5.H5Acreate(H5did, "dset", type_id, space_id, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT); assertTrue("testH5Acreate2", attr_id >= 0); } catch (Throwable err) { err.printStackTrace(); fail("H5.H5Acreate2: " + err); } finally { if (attr_id > 0) try {H5.H5Aclose(attr_id);} catch (Exception ex) {} } } @Test(expected = HDF5LibraryException.class) public void testH5Acreate2_invalidobject() throws Throwable { H5.H5Acreate(H5dsid, "dset", type_id, space_id, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT); } @Test(expected = NullPointerException.class) public void testH5Acreate2_nullname() throws Throwable { H5.H5Acreate(H5did, null, type_id, space_id, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT); } @Test public void testH5Aopen() { String attr_name = "dset"; int attribute_id = -1; int attr_id = -1; try { attr_id = H5.H5Acreate(H5did, attr_name, type_id, space_id, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT); // Opening the existing attribute, attr_name(Created by H5ACreate2) // attached to an object identifier. attribute_id = H5.H5Aopen(H5did, attr_name, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT); assertTrue("testH5Aopen: H5Aopen", attribute_id >= 0); } catch (Throwable err) { err.printStackTrace(); fail("H5.H5Aopen: " + err); } finally { if (attr_id > 0) try {H5.H5Aclose(attr_id);} catch (Exception ex) {} if (attribute_id > 0) try {H5.H5Aclose(attribute_id);} catch (Exception ex) {} } } @Test(expected = HDF5LibraryException.class) public void testH5Aopen_invalidname() throws Throwable { H5.H5Aopen(H5did, "attr_name", HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT); } @Test public void testH5Aopen_by_idx() { int loc_id = H5did; String obj_name = "."; int idx_type = HDF5Constants.H5_INDEX_CRT_ORDER; int order = HDF5Constants.H5_ITER_INC; long n = 0; int attr_id = -1; int attribute_id = -1; int aapl_id = HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT; try { attr_id = H5.H5Acreate(H5did, "file", type_id, space_id, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT); // Opening the existing attribute, obj_name(Created by H5ACreate2) // by index, attached to an object identifier. attribute_id = H5.H5Aopen_by_idx(H5did, ".", HDF5Constants.H5_INDEX_CRT_ORDER, HDF5Constants.H5_ITER_INC, 0, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, lapl_id); assertTrue("testH5Aopen_by_idx: H5Aopen_by_idx", attribute_id >= 0); // Negative test- Error should be thrown when H5Aopen_by_idx is // called // with n=5 and we do not have 5 attributes created. try { n = 5; H5.H5Aopen_by_idx(loc_id, obj_name, idx_type, order, n, aapl_id, lapl_id); fail("Negative Test Failed:- Error not Thrown when n is invalid."); } catch (AssertionError err) { fail("H5.H5Aopen_by_idx: " + err); } catch (HDF5LibraryException err) {} // Negative test- Error should be thrown when H5Aopen_by_idx is // called // with an invalid object name(which hasn't been created). try { n = 0; obj_name = "file"; H5.H5Aopen_by_idx(loc_id, obj_name, idx_type, order, n, aapl_id, lapl_id); fail("Negative Test Failed:- Error not Thrown when attribute name is invalid."); } catch (AssertionError err) { fail("H5.H5Aopen_by_idx: " + err); } catch (HDF5LibraryException err) {} } catch (Throwable err) { err.printStackTrace(); fail("H5.H5Aopen_by_idx: " + err); } finally { if (attr_id > 0) try {H5.H5Aclose(attr_id);} catch (Exception ex) {} if (attribute_id > 0) try {H5.H5Aclose(attribute_id);} catch (Exception ex) {} } } @Test public void testH5Acreate_by_name() { String obj_name = "."; String attr_name = "DATASET"; int attribute_id = -1; boolean bool_val = false; try { attribute_id = H5.H5Acreate_by_name(H5fid, obj_name, attr_name, type_id, space_id, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, lapl_id); assertTrue("testH5Acreate_by_name: H5Acreate_by_name", attribute_id >= 0); // Check if the name of attribute attached to the object specified // by loc_id and obj_name exists.It should be true. bool_val = H5.H5Aexists_by_name(H5fid, obj_name, attr_name, lapl_id); assertTrue("testH5Acreate_by_name: H5Aexists_by_name", bool_val == true); } catch (Throwable err) { err.printStackTrace(); fail("H5.H5Acreate_by_name " + err); } finally { if (attribute_id > 0) try {H5.H5Aclose(attribute_id);} catch (Exception ex) {} } } @Test public void testH5Arename() throws Throwable, HDF5LibraryException, NullPointerException { int loc_id = H5fid; String old_attr_name = "old"; String new_attr_name = "new"; int attr_id = -1; int ret_val = -1; boolean bool_val = false; try { attr_id = H5.H5Acreate(loc_id, old_attr_name, type_id, space_id, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, lapl_id); ret_val = H5.H5Arename(loc_id, old_attr_name, new_attr_name); // Check the return value.It should be non negative. assertTrue("testH5Arename: H5Arename", ret_val >= 0); // Check if the new name of attribute attached to the object // specified by loc_id and obj_name exists.It should be true. bool_val = H5.H5Aexists(loc_id, new_attr_name); assertTrue("testH5Arename: H5Aexists", bool_val == true); // Check if the old name of attribute attached to the object // specified by loc_id and obj_name exists. It should equal false. bool_val = H5.H5Aexists(loc_id, old_attr_name); assertEquals(bool_val, false); } catch (Throwable err) { err.printStackTrace(); fail("H5.H5Arename " + err); } finally { if (attr_id > 0) try {H5.H5Aclose(attr_id);} catch (Exception ex) {} } } @Test public void testH5Arename_by_name() { int loc_id = H5fid; String obj_name = "."; String old_attr_name = "old"; String new_attr_name = "new"; int attr_id = -1; int ret_val = -1; boolean bool_val = false; try { attr_id = H5.H5Acreate_by_name(loc_id, obj_name, old_attr_name, type_id, space_id, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, lapl_id); ret_val = H5.H5Arename_by_name(loc_id, obj_name, old_attr_name, new_attr_name, lapl_id); // Check the return value.It should be non negative. assertTrue("testH5Arename_by_name: H5Arename_by_name", ret_val >= 0); // Check if the new name of attribute attached to the object // specified by loc_id and obj_name exists.It should be true. bool_val = H5.H5Aexists_by_name(loc_id, obj_name, new_attr_name, lapl_id); assertTrue("testH5Arename_by_name: H5Aexists_by_name", bool_val == true); // Check if the old name of attribute attached to the object // specified by loc_id and obj_name exists. It should equal false. bool_val = H5.H5Aexists_by_name(loc_id, obj_name, old_attr_name, lapl_id); assertEquals(bool_val, false); } catch (Throwable err) { err.printStackTrace(); fail("H5.H5Arename_by_name " + err); } finally { if (attr_id > 0) try {H5.H5Aclose(attr_id);} catch (Exception ex) {} } } @Test public void testH5Aget_name_by_idx() { int loc_id = H5fid; String obj_name = "."; String attr_name = "DATASET1", attr2_name = "DATASET2"; String ret_name = null; int idx_type = HDF5Constants.H5_INDEX_NAME; int order = HDF5Constants.H5_ITER_INC; int n = 0; int attr1_id = -1; int attr2_id = -1; try { attr1_id = H5.H5Acreate_by_name(loc_id, obj_name, attr_name, type_id, space_id, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, lapl_id); attr2_id = H5.H5Acreate_by_name(loc_id, obj_name, attr2_name, type_id, space_id, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, lapl_id); // getting the 1st attribute name(n=0). ret_name = H5.H5Aget_name_by_idx(loc_id, obj_name, idx_type, order, n, lapl_id); assertFalse("H5Aget_name_by_idx ", ret_name == null); assertEquals(ret_name, attr_name); // getting the second attribute name(n=1) ret_name = H5.H5Aget_name_by_idx(loc_id, obj_name, idx_type, order, 1, lapl_id); assertFalse("H5Aget_name_by_idx ", ret_name == null); assertEquals(ret_name, attr2_name); } catch (Throwable err) { err.printStackTrace(); fail("H5.H5Aget_name_by_idx " + err); } finally { if (attr1_id > 0) try {H5.H5Aclose(attr1_id);} catch (Exception ex) {} if (attr2_id > 0) try {H5.H5Aclose(attr2_id);} catch (Exception ex) {} } } @Test public void testH5Aget_storage_size() { int attr_id = -1; long attr_size = -1; try { attr_id = H5.H5Acreate(H5did, "dset", type_id, space_id, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT); attr_size = H5.H5Aget_storage_size(attr_id); assertTrue("The size of attribute is :", attr_size == 0); } catch (Throwable err) { err.printStackTrace(); fail("H5.H5Aget_storage_size: " + err); } finally { if (attr_id > 0) try {H5.H5Aclose(attr_id);} catch (Exception ex) {} } } @Test public void testH5Aget_info() { H5A_info_t attr_info = null; int attribute_id = -1; int attr_id = -1; try { attr_id = H5.H5Acreate(H5did, "dset", type_id, space_id, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT); attribute_id = H5.H5Aopen(H5did, "dset", HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT); // Calling H5Aget_info with attribute_id returned from H5Aopen. attr_info = H5.H5Aget_info(attribute_id); assertFalse("H5Aget_info ", attr_info == null); assertTrue("Corder_Valid should be false", attr_info.corder_valid == false); assertTrue("Character set used for attribute name", attr_info.cset == HDF5Constants.H5T_CSET_ASCII); assertTrue("Corder ", attr_info.corder == 0); assertEquals(attr_info.data_size, H5.H5Aget_storage_size(attr_id)); } catch (Throwable err) { err.printStackTrace(); fail("H5.H5Aget_info: " + err); } finally { if (attr_id > 0) try {H5.H5Aclose(attr_id);} catch (Exception ex) {} if (attribute_id > 0) try {H5.H5Aclose(attribute_id);} catch (Exception ex) {} } } @Test public void testH5Aget_info1() { H5A_info_t attr_info = null; int attribute_id = -1; int attr_id = -1; int order = HDF5Constants.H5_ITER_INC; try { attr_id = H5.H5Acreate(H5did, ".", type_id, space_id, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT); attribute_id = H5.H5Aopen_by_idx(H5did, ".", HDF5Constants.H5_INDEX_CRT_ORDER, order, 0, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, lapl_id); // Calling H5Aget_info with attribute_id returned from // H5Aopen_by_idx. attr_info = H5.H5Aget_info(attribute_id); assertFalse("H5Aget_info ", attr_info == null); assertTrue("Corder_Valid should be true", attr_info.corder_valid == true); assertTrue("Character set", attr_info.cset == HDF5Constants.H5T_CSET_ASCII); assertTrue("Corder ", attr_info.corder == 0); assertEquals(attr_info.data_size, H5.H5Aget_storage_size(attr_id)); } catch (Throwable err) { err.printStackTrace(); fail("H5.H5Aget_info1: " + err); } finally { if (attr_id > 0) try {H5.H5Aclose(attr_id);} catch (Exception ex) {} if (attribute_id > 0) try {H5.H5Aclose(attribute_id);} catch (Exception ex) {} } } @Test public void testH5Aget_info_by_idx() { int attr_id = -1; int attr2_id = -1;; H5A_info_t attr_info = null; try { attr_id = H5.H5Acreate(H5did, "dset1", type_id, space_id, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT); attr2_id = H5.H5Acreate(H5did, "dataset2", type_id, space_id, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT); //Verify info for 1st attribute, in increasing creation order attr_info = H5.H5Aget_info_by_idx(H5did, ".", HDF5Constants.H5_INDEX_CRT_ORDER, HDF5Constants.H5_ITER_INC, 0, lapl_id); assertNotNull(attr_info); assertTrue("Corder ", attr_info.corder == 0);//should equal 0 as this is the order of 1st attribute created. assertEquals(attr_info.data_size, H5.H5Aget_storage_size(attr_id)); //Verify info for 2nd attribute, in increasing creation order attr_info = H5.H5Aget_info_by_idx(H5did, ".", HDF5Constants.H5_INDEX_CRT_ORDER, HDF5Constants.H5_ITER_INC, 1, lapl_id); assertNotNull(attr_info); assertTrue("Corder", attr_info.corder == 1); assertEquals(attr_info.data_size, H5.H5Aget_storage_size(attr2_id)); //verify info for 2nd attribute, in decreasing creation order attr_info = H5.H5Aget_info_by_idx(H5did, ".", HDF5Constants.H5_INDEX_CRT_ORDER, HDF5Constants.H5_ITER_DEC, 0, lapl_id); assertNotNull(attr_info); assertTrue("Corder", attr_info.corder == 1); //should equal 1 as this is the order of 2nd attribute created. //verify info for 1st attribute, in decreasing creation order attr_info = H5.H5Aget_info_by_idx(H5did, ".", HDF5Constants.H5_INDEX_CRT_ORDER, HDF5Constants.H5_ITER_DEC, 1, lapl_id); assertNotNull(attr_info); assertTrue("Corder", attr_info.corder == 0); //should equal 0 as this is the order of 1st attribute created. //verify info for 1st attribute, in increasing name order attr_info = H5.H5Aget_info_by_idx(H5did, ".", HDF5Constants.H5_INDEX_NAME, HDF5Constants.H5_ITER_INC, 1, lapl_id); assertNotNull(attr_info); assertTrue("Corder", attr_info.corder == 0); //should equal 0 as this is the order of 1st attribute created. //verify info for 2nd attribute, in decreasing name order attr_info = H5.H5Aget_info_by_idx(H5did, ".", HDF5Constants.H5_INDEX_NAME, HDF5Constants.H5_ITER_DEC, 1, lapl_id); assertNotNull(attr_info); assertTrue("Corder", attr_info.corder == 1); //should equal 1 as this is the order of 2nd attribute created. } catch (Throwable err) { err.printStackTrace(); fail("H5.H5Aget_info_by_idx:" + err); } finally { if (attr_id > 0) try {H5.H5Aclose(attr_id);} catch (Exception ex) {} if (attr2_id > 0) try {H5.H5Aclose(attr2_id);} catch (Exception ex) {} } } @Test public void testH5Aget_info_by_name() { int attr_id = -1; H5A_info_t attr_info = null; String obj_name = "."; String attr_name = "DATASET"; try { attr_id = H5.H5Acreate_by_name(H5fid, obj_name, attr_name, type_id, space_id, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, lapl_id); attr_info = H5.H5Aget_info_by_name(H5fid, obj_name, attr_name, lapl_id); assertNotNull(attr_info); } catch (Throwable err) { err.printStackTrace(); fail("H5.H5Aget_info_by_name:" + err); } finally { if (attr_id > 0) try {H5.H5Aclose(attr_id);} catch (Exception ex) {} } } @Test public void testH5Adelete_by_name() { int attr_id = -1; int ret_val = -1; boolean bool_val = false; boolean exists = false; try { attr_id = H5.H5Acreate_by_name(H5fid, ".", "DATASET", type_id, space_id, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, lapl_id); ret_val = H5.H5Adelete_by_name(H5fid, ".", "DATASET", lapl_id); assertTrue("H5Adelete_by_name", ret_val >= 0); // Check if the Attribute still exists. bool_val = H5.H5Aexists_by_name(H5fid, ".", "DATASET", lapl_id); assertFalse("testH5Adelete_by_name: H5Aexists_by_name", bool_val); exists = H5.H5Aexists(H5fid, "DATASET"); assertFalse("testH5Adelete_by_name: H5Aexists ",exists); // Negative test. Error thrown when we try to delete an attribute // that has already been deleted. try{ ret_val = H5.H5Adelete_by_name(H5fid, ".", "DATASET", lapl_id); fail("Negative Test Failed: Error Not thrown."); } catch (AssertionError err) { fail("H5.H5Adelete_by_name: " + err); } catch (HDF5LibraryException err) {} } catch (Throwable err) { err.printStackTrace(); fail("H5.H5Adelete_by_name " + err); } finally { if (attr_id > 0) try {H5.H5Aclose(attr_id);} catch (Exception ex) {} } } @Test public void testH5Aexists() { boolean exists = false; int attr_id = -1; int attribute_id = -1; try { exists = H5.H5Aexists(H5fid, "None"); } catch (Throwable err) { err.printStackTrace(); fail("H5.H5Aexists: " + err); } assertFalse("H5Aexists ", exists); try { attr_id = H5.H5Acreate(H5fid, "dset", type_id, space_id, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT); exists = H5.H5Aexists(H5fid, "dset"); assertTrue("H5Aexists ", exists); attribute_id = H5.H5Acreate_by_name(H5fid, ".", "attribute", type_id, space_id, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, lapl_id); exists = H5.H5Aexists(H5fid, "attribute"); assertTrue("H5Aexists ", exists); } catch (Throwable err) { err.printStackTrace(); fail("H5.H5Aexists: " + err); } finally { if (attr_id > 0) try {H5.H5Aclose(attr_id);} catch (Exception ex) {} if (attribute_id > 0) try {H5.H5Aclose(attribute_id);} catch (Exception ex) {} } } @Test public void testH5Adelete_by_idx_order() { boolean exists = false; int attr1_id = -1; int attr2_id = -1; int attr3_id = -1; int attr4_id = -1; try { attr1_id = H5.H5Acreate_by_name(H5fid, ".", "attribute1", type_id, space_id, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, lapl_id); attr2_id = H5.H5Acreate_by_name(H5fid, ".", "attribute2", type_id, space_id, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, lapl_id); attr3_id = H5.H5Acreate_by_name(H5fid, ".", "attribute3", type_id, space_id, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, lapl_id); attr4_id = H5.H5Acreate_by_name(H5fid, ".", "attribute4", type_id, space_id, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, lapl_id); H5.H5Adelete_by_idx(H5fid, ".", HDF5Constants.H5_INDEX_CRT_ORDER, HDF5Constants.H5_ITER_INC, 3, lapl_id); exists = H5.H5Aexists(H5fid, "attribute4"); assertFalse("H5Adelete_by_idx: H5Aexists", exists); } catch (Throwable err) { err.printStackTrace(); fail("H5.H5Adelete_by_idx: " + err); } finally { if (attr1_id > 0) try {H5.H5Aclose(attr1_id);} catch (Exception ex) {} if (attr2_id > 0) try {H5.H5Aclose(attr2_id);} catch (Exception ex) {} if (attr3_id > 0) try {H5.H5Aclose(attr3_id);} catch (Exception ex) {} if (attr4_id > 0) try {H5.H5Aclose(attr4_id);} catch (Exception ex) {} } } @Test public void testH5Adelete_by_idx_name1() { boolean exists = false; int attr1_id = -1; int attr2_id = -1; int attr3_id = -1; try { attr1_id = H5.H5Acreate_by_name(H5fid, ".", "attribute1", type_id, space_id, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, lapl_id); attr2_id = H5.H5Acreate_by_name(H5fid, ".", "attribute2", type_id, space_id, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, lapl_id); attr3_id = H5.H5Acreate_by_name(H5fid, ".", "attribute3", type_id, space_id, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, lapl_id); H5.H5Adelete_by_idx(H5fid, ".", HDF5Constants.H5_INDEX_NAME, HDF5Constants.H5_ITER_INC, 2, lapl_id); exists = H5.H5Aexists(H5fid, "attribute3"); assertFalse("H5Adelete_by_idx: H5Aexists", exists); } catch (Throwable err) { err.printStackTrace(); fail("H5.H5Adelete_by_idx: " + err); } finally { if (attr1_id > 0) try {H5.H5Aclose(attr1_id);} catch (Exception ex) {} if (attr2_id > 0) try {H5.H5Aclose(attr2_id);} catch (Exception ex) {} if (attr3_id > 0) try {H5.H5Aclose(attr3_id);} catch (Exception ex) {} } } @Test public void testH5Adelete_by_idx_name2() { boolean exists = false; int attr1_id = -1; int attr2_id = -1; int attr3_id = -1; int attr4_id = -1; try { attr1_id = H5.H5Acreate_by_name(H5fid, ".", "attribute1", type_id, space_id, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, lapl_id); attr2_id = H5.H5Acreate_by_name(H5fid, ".", "attribute2", type_id, space_id, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, lapl_id); attr3_id = H5.H5Acreate_by_name(H5fid, ".", "attribute3", type_id, space_id, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, lapl_id); attr4_id = H5.H5Acreate_by_name(H5fid, ".", "attribute4", type_id, space_id, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, lapl_id); H5.H5Adelete_by_idx(H5fid, ".", HDF5Constants.H5_INDEX_NAME, HDF5Constants.H5_ITER_DEC, 3, lapl_id); exists = H5.H5Aexists(H5fid, "attribute1"); assertFalse("H5Adelete_by_idx: H5Aexists", exists); } catch (Throwable err) { err.printStackTrace(); fail("H5.H5Adelete_by_idx: " + err); } finally { if (attr1_id > 0) try {H5.H5Aclose(attr1_id);} catch (Exception ex) {} if (attr2_id > 0) try {H5.H5Aclose(attr2_id);} catch (Exception ex) {} if (attr3_id > 0) try {H5.H5Aclose(attr3_id);} catch (Exception ex) {} if (attr4_id > 0) try {H5.H5Aclose(attr4_id);} catch (Exception ex) {} } } @Test(expected = NullPointerException.class) public void testH5Adelete_by_idx_null() throws Throwable { H5.H5Adelete_by_idx(H5fid, null, HDF5Constants.H5_INDEX_CRT_ORDER, HDF5Constants.H5_ITER_INC, 0, lapl_id); } @Test(expected = HDF5LibraryException.class) public void testH5Adelete_by_idx_invalidobject() throws Throwable { H5.H5Adelete_by_idx(H5fid, "invalid", HDF5Constants.H5_INDEX_CRT_ORDER, HDF5Constants.H5_ITER_INC, 0, lapl_id); } @Test public void testH5Aopen_by_name() { String obj_name = "."; String attr_name = "DATASET"; int attribute_id = -1; int aid = -1; try { attribute_id = H5.H5Acreate_by_name(H5fid, obj_name, attr_name, type_id, space_id, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, lapl_id); //open Attribute by name if(attribute_id >= 0) { try { aid = H5.H5Aopen_by_name(H5fid, obj_name, attr_name, HDF5Constants.H5P_DEFAULT, lapl_id); assertTrue("testH5Aopen_by_name: ", aid>=0); } catch(Throwable err) { err.printStackTrace(); fail("H5.H5Aopen_by_name " + err); } } } catch (Throwable err) { err.printStackTrace(); fail("H5.H5Aopen_by_name " + err); } finally { if (aid > 0) try {H5.H5Aclose(aid);} catch (Exception ex) {} if (attribute_id > 0) try {H5.H5Aclose(attribute_id);} catch (Exception ex) {} } } }