#!/usr/bin/python """ Runs all test cases in alphabetical order. A test case is a file of type '.py' and starts with 'test-'. Exit value will 0 if all test cases succeeded otherwise it will be 1. """ import os import os.path import sys import time import traceback import settings from systemtest.util import printAndFlush, renderDuration startTime = time.time() testCases = [] failedTestCases = {} testCaseDurations = {} for f in sorted(os.listdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))): splittedFileName = f.rsplit('.', 1) if len(splittedFileName) > 1: moduleName = splittedFileName[0] fileType = splittedFileName[1] if moduleName.startswith('test_') and fileType == 'py' \ and os.path.isfile("templates/%s/disabled" % moduleName) == False: testCases.append(moduleName) moduleStartTime = time.time() try: __import__(moduleName) except: failedTestCases[moduleName] = sys.exc_info() testCaseDurations[moduleName] = time.time() - moduleStartTime renderedStartTime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', time.localtime(startTime)) duration = time.time() - startTime testResultsFolder = 'targets/test-results' if not os.path.exists(testResultsFolder): os.mkdir(testResultsFolder) with open('targets/test-results/TEST-integration.xml', 'w') as out: out.write('\n') out.write("\n" % (len(testCases), len(failedTestCases), renderedStartTime, duration)) for testCase in testCases: testCaseDuration = testCaseDurations[testCase] if testCase in failedTestCases: out.write(" \n" % (testCase, testCaseDuration)) exceptionInfo = failedTestCases[testCase] out.write(" \n") out.write(" \n") out.write(" \n") out.write(" \n") else: out.write(" \n" % (testCase, testCaseDuration)) out.write("\n") printAndFlush('=====================================') printAndFlush("%d test cases executed in %s" % (len(testCases), renderDuration(duration))) numberOfFailedTestCases = len(failedTestCases) if numberOfFailedTestCases == 0: printAndFlush("no test case failed") exit(0) if numberOfFailedTestCases == 1: printAndFlush("1 test case failed") else: printAndFlush("%d test cases failed" % len(failedTestCases)) exit(1)