library("ShortRead") # Collect arguments args <- commandArgs(TRUE) print(args) path <- (args[1]) flowcell <- (args[2]) pattern <- (args[3]) #flowcell <- "C3CFPACXX" #path <- "/Users/kohleman/PycharmProjects/qgf/barcodeDistribution/testData" #pattern <- 'lane4' filenames <- list.files(path, pattern=pattern, full.names=TRUE) totalIndexList <- "" plotTopIndices <- function (topIndices, xName="", path) { # Creates a barplot out of a data frame. # # Args: # topIndices: data.frame which must have the columns # 'totalIndexList' and 'Freq' # xName: Name for the x-axes (xlab) # # Returns: # an image/ a pdf fileName <- (paste(xName,".pdf", sep="")) fileFullPath <- (file.path(path, fileName)) pdf(file=fileFullPath) par(mfcol=c(1, 1)) countLength<- nchar(toString(max(topIndices$Freq))) par(las=2) par(mar=c(5,8,4,2)) # increase y-axis margin. b <- barplot(topIndices$Freq, main="Top 15 indices distribution", xlab=paste("Count of Indices for", xName), horiz=TRUE, names=topIndices$totalIndexList, cex.names=.75, las=1) text(cex=.75, x=topIndices$Freq/2, y=b, labels=topIndices$Freq, xpd=TRUE) } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- multmerge <- function(datalist, mergeBy){ # Merges a list if data frames by the 'mergeBy' parameter Reduce(function(...) {merge(..., by = mergeBy, all=TRUE)}, datalist) } # returns string w/o leading or trailing whitespace trim <- function (x) gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", x) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- streamFASTQ <- function (file, verbose = TRUE) { fileBaseName <- basename(file) strm <- FastqStreamer(file, readerBlockSize=1e7) if (verbose) { print (paste("Opening " ,fileBaseName)) } s <- unlist(strsplit(fileBaseName, "_")) repeat { fq <- yield(strm) if (length(fq) == 0) break #print (fq) #print(sread(fq)) #print(quality(fq)) header <- id(fq) a <- (as.character(header)) split <- (strsplit(a, ":")) indexList <- lapply(split, function(x) strsplit(x, ":")[10]) indices <- unlist(indexList) totalIndexList <- c(totalIndexList, indices) } close(strm) counts <- sortedCounts <- counts[order(- counts$Freq), ] return (sortedCounts) } ldf <- lapply(filenames, streamFASTQ) # if there are more than one FASTQ file we do some more stuff if (length(ldf) > 1) { list1 <- multmerge(ldf, "totalIndexList") # Replacing all NAs with 0 list1 [] <- 0 # sum up the values row-wise for each column, but leave out the first column list1$Freq<- apply(list1[,c(-1)],1,sum) } else { print ("Only one FASTQ found") list1 <- ldf[[1]] } subList <- list1[c("totalIndexList","Freq")] orderedDf <- subList[with(subList, order(- Freq)), ] topIndices <- orderedDf[1:15, ] #print (topIndices) fileBaseName <- paste(flowcell, unlist(strsplit(basename(filenames[1]), "_"))[1], sep="_") #fileBaseName <- trim(fileBaseName) plotTopIndices (topIndices, fileBaseName, path) #write.table(list1, file = "list1.csv", sep = ",", col.names = NA, qmethod = "double")