# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Copyright 2012 ETH Zuerich, CISD Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. @author Manuel Kohler @description: Creates Excel-based invoices for the Quantitative Genomics Facility, D-BSSE, ETH Zurich @attention: Runs under Jython @note: ''' import os import re import sys import logging from datetime import * from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser from optparse import OptionParser from java.io import FileOutputStream from org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel import HSSFWorkbook from org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem import POIFSFileSystem from org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel import XSSFWorkbook from ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.dss.client.api.v1 import OpenbisServiceFacadeFactory from ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.api.v1.dto import SearchCriteria from ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.api.v1.dto import SearchSubCriteria from java.util import EnumSet from java.util import TreeMap from ch.systemsx.cisd.openbis.generic.shared.api.v1.dto import SampleFetchOption excelFormats = {"xls": "HSSFWorkbook()" , "xlsx": "XSSFWorkbook()"} # This list is imply used to keep the order of elements of the 'columnHeadersMap' columnHeadersList = ["EXTERNAL_SAMPLE_NAME", "BARCODE", "INDEX2", "CONTACT_PERSON_NAME", "BIOLOGICAL_SAMPLE_ARRIVED", "PREPARED_BY", "KIT", "QC_AT_DBSSE", "CELL_PLASTICITY_SYSTEMSX", "PRICE", "NOTES"] columnHeadersMap = {"EXTERNAL_SAMPLE_NAME": "Sample Name", "BARCODE": "Index", "INDEX2": "Index2", "PREPARED_BY" : "Prepared by", "KIT" : "Kit", "QC_AT_DBSSE" : "QC at D-BSSE", "CONTACT_PERSON_NAME" : "Contact Person", "NOTES" : "Notes", "BIOLOGICAL_SAMPLE_ARRIVED": "Received", "CELL_PLASTICITY_SYSTEMSX": "Cell Plasticity", "PRICE" : "Price"} class uniqueRow(): ''' Little helper class which ensures the unique use of a row ''' def __init__(self): self.row = -1 def getNextRow (self): self.row += 1 return self.row def setRow(self, rowNumber): self.row = rowNumber return self.row class uniqueColumn(): ''' Little helper class which ensures the unique use of a column ''' def __init__(self): self.column = -1 def getCurrentColumn(self): return self.column def getNextColumn (self): self.column += 1 return self.column def setColumn(self, columnNumber): self.column = columnNumber return self.column def getDate(): d = datetime.now() return d.strftime("%A, %d-%B-%Y") def setFont(wb, configMap, fontSize=10): font = wb.createFont() font.setFontHeightInPoints(fontSize) font.setFontName(configMap["defaultFonts"]) font.setItalic(False) font.setStrikeout(False) # Fonts are set into a style so create a new one to use. style = wb.createCellStyle() style.setFont(font) return style def getVocabulary(service, vocabularyCode): ''' Returns the vocabulary term and vocabulary label of a vocabulary specified by the parameter vocabularyCode in a map''' vocabularies = service.listVocabularies() vocabularyMap = {} for vocabulary in vocabularies: if (vocabulary.getCode() == vocabularyCode): terms = vocabulary.getTerms() for term in terms: vocabularyMap[term.getCode()] = term.getLabel() return vocabularyMap def writeExcel(myoptions, configMap, service, piName, laneDict, sampleDict, piDict, piSpace, flowCellProperties, flowcellName, logger,format="xls"): ''' Writes out all data to an Excel file ''' myRows = uniqueRow() sequencerVocabulary = getVocabulary(service, "SEQUENCER") setOfFlowcells = set () try: # expecting the old running folder name runDate, seqId, runningNumber, flowcell = flowcellName.split("_") flowcell = flowcell[1:] except: flowcell = flowcellName def writeHeader(): # Write header row = sheet.createRow(myRows.getNextRow()) row.createCell(0).setCellValue(configMap["facilityName"] + ", " + configMap["facilityInstitution"]) row.getCell(0).setCellStyle(setFont(wb, configMap, 10)) row1 = sheet.createRow(myRows.getNextRow()) row1.createCell(0).setCellValue(getDate()) row1.getCell(0).setCellStyle(setFont(wb, configMap, 10)) def createRow(key="", value="", rowNumber=0, fontSize=10): ''' ''' if rowNumber == 0: row = sheet.createRow(myRows.getNextRow()) else: row = rowNumber row.createCell(0).setCellValue(key) row.createCell(1).setCellValue(value) row.getCell(0).setCellStyle(setFont(wb, configMap, fontSize)) row.getCell(1).setCellStyle(setFont(wb, configMap, fontSize)) return row def writeFooter(service, sheet): footer = sheet.getFooter() footer.setRight("generated on " + datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M - %d.%m.%Y")) wb = (eval(excelFormats[format])) createHelper = wb.getCreationHelper() sheet = wb.createSheet(configMap["facilityNameShort"]) # 3/2 = 150 percent magnification when opening the workbook sheet.setZoom(3, 2) writeHeader() createRow("Principal Investigator", piName.replace("_", " ")) createRow("Data Space", piSpace) createRow("Run Folder Name", flowcellName) createRow() myColumns = uniqueColumn() sampleHeader = sheet.createRow(myRows.getNextRow()) sampleHeader.createCell(myColumns.getNextColumn()).setCellValue("Flow Cell:Lane") sampleHeader.getCell(myColumns.getCurrentColumn()).setCellStyle(setFont(wb, configMap, 10)) sampleHeader.createCell(myColumns.getNextColumn()).setCellValue("Sample Code") sampleHeader.getCell(myColumns.getCurrentColumn()).setCellStyle(setFont(wb, configMap, 10)) for c in columnHeadersList: sampleHeader.createCell(myColumns.getNextColumn()).setCellValue(columnHeadersMap[c]) sampleHeader.getCell(myColumns.getCurrentColumn()).setCellStyle(setFont(wb, configMap, 10)) listofLanes = piDict[piName] listofLanes.sort() logger.debug(listofLanes) for lane in listofLanes: singleSampleColumns = uniqueColumn() # sort the dictionary by keys and taking the key as an integer for sample in sorted(sampleDict[lane].iterkeys(), key=int): sampleValues = sampleDict[lane][sample] logger.debug(sampleValues['PRINCIPAL_INVESTIGATOR_NAME']) logger.debug(piName) logger.debug(sample) # if there is a shared lane do not mix them if (sanitizeString(sampleValues['PRINCIPAL_INVESTIGATOR_NAME']) != sanitizeString(piName)): continue rowN = sheet.createRow(myRows.getNextRow()) rowN.createCell(singleSampleColumns.getNextColumn()).setCellValue(flowcellName + ":" + str(lane)) rowN.getCell(singleSampleColumns.getCurrentColumn()).setCellStyle(setFont(wb, configMap, 10)) rowN.createCell(singleSampleColumns.getNextColumn()).setCellValue(configMap['sampleCodePrefix'] + sample) rowN.getCell(singleSampleColumns.getCurrentColumn()).setCellStyle(setFont(wb, configMap, 10)) for column in columnHeadersList: if (column == 'BIOLOGICAL_SAMPLE_ARRIVED'): try: value = sampleValues[column].split(" ")[0] except: value = sampleValues[column] else: value = sampleValues[column] rowN.createCell(singleSampleColumns.getNextColumn()).setCellValue(value) rowN.getCell(singleSampleColumns.getCurrentColumn()).setCellStyle(setFont(wb, configMap, 10)) singleSampleColumns = uniqueColumn() createRow() createRow("Flow Cell Details", "", 0, 14) createRow("Flow Cell", flowcell) for property in flowCellProperties: if (property == "SEQUENCER"): val = sequencerVocabulary[flowCellProperties[property]] else: val = flowCellProperties[property] createRow(property, val) createRow() # adjust width for i in range(0, 20): sheet.autoSizeColumn(i) # set layout to landscape sheet.getPrintSetup().setLandscape(True) writeFooter(service, sheet) # sanitizeString(piName) + datetime.now().strftime("_%d_%m_%Y.") + format # Write the output to a file fileName = myoptions.outdir + configMap["facilityNameShort"] + "_" + flowcell + "_" + \ sanitizeString(piName) + "." + format fileOut = FileOutputStream(fileName) # need this print for use as an openBIS webapp print fileName wb.write(fileOut); fileOut.close(); def sanitizeString(myString): myString = myString.replace(u'ä', 'ae') myString = myString.replace(u'ü', 'ue') myString = myString.replace(u'ö', 'oe') return re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9]+', '_', myString) def setUpLogger(logPath, logLevel=logging.INFO): logFileName = 'createInvoices' d = datetime.now() logFileName = logFileName + '_' + d.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M_%S') + '.log' logging.basicConfig(filename=logPath + logFileName, format='%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] %(message)s', level=logLevel) logger = logging.getLogger(logFileName) return logger def parseConfigurationFile(propertyFile='etc/service.properties'): ''' Parses the given config files and returns the values ''' config = SafeConfigParser() config.read(propertyFile) config.sections() return config def readConfig(logger): GENERAL = 'GENERAL' OPENBIS = 'OPENBIS' EXCEL = 'EXCEL' logger.info('Reading config file') configMap = {} configParameters = parseConfigurationFile() configMap['facilityName'] = configParameters.get(GENERAL, 'facilityName') configMap['facilityNameShort'] = configParameters.get(GENERAL, 'facilityNameShort') configMap['facilityInstitution'] = configParameters.get(GENERAL, 'facilityInstitution') configMap['mailList'] = configParameters.get(GENERAL, 'mailList') configMap['mailFrom'] = configParameters.get(GENERAL, 'mailFrom') configMap['smptHost'] = configParameters.get(GENERAL, 'smptHost') configMap['separator'] = configParameters.get(GENERAL, 'separator') configMap['indexSeparator'] = configParameters.get(GENERAL, 'indexSeparator') configMap['openbisUserName'] = configParameters.get(OPENBIS, 'openbisUserName') configMap['openbisPassword'] = configParameters.get(OPENBIS, 'openbisPassword', raw=True) configMap['openbisServer'] = configParameters.get(OPENBIS, 'openbisServer') configMap['connectionTimeout'] = configParameters.getint(OPENBIS, 'connectionTimeout') configMap['pIPropertyName'] = configParameters.get(OPENBIS, 'pIPropertyName') configMap['sampleCodePrefix'] = configParameters.get(OPENBIS, 'sampleCodePrefix') configMap['defaultFonts'] = configParameters.get(EXCEL, 'defaultFonts') return configMap def login(logger, configMap): logger.info('Logging into ' + configMap['openbisServer']) service = OpenbisServiceFacadeFactory.tryCreate(configMap['openbisUserName'], configMap['openbisPassword'], configMap['openbisServer'], configMap['connectionTimeout']) return service def parseOptions(logger): logger.info('Parsing command line parameters') parser = OptionParser(version='%prog 1.0') parser.add_option('-f', '--flowcell', dest='flowcell', help='The flowcell which is used to create the SampleSheet.csv', metavar='') parser.add_option('-o', '--outdir', dest='outdir', default='./', help='Specify the ouput directory. Default: ./' , metavar='') parser.add_option('-d', '--debug', dest='debug', default=False, action='store_true', help='Verbose debug logging. Default: False') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.outdir[-1] <> '/': options.outdir = options.outdir + '/' if options.flowcell is None: parser.print_help() exit(-1) return options def getFLowcellData(service, configMap, flowcell, logger): laneCodeList = [] fetchOptions = EnumSet.of(SampleFetchOption.ANCESTORS, SampleFetchOption.PROPERTIES) sc = SearchCriteria(); sc.addMatchClause(SearchCriteria.MatchClause.createAttributeMatch(SearchCriteria.MatchClauseAttribute.CODE, flowcell)); fcList = service.searchForSamples(sc, fetchOptions) scContained = SearchCriteria() scContained.addMatchClause(SearchCriteria.MatchClause.createAttributeMatch(SearchCriteria.MatchClauseAttribute.CODE, flowcell)); scContainedMain = SearchCriteria(); scContainedMain.addSubCriteria(SearchSubCriteria.createSampleContainerCriteria(scContained)) containedSamples = service.searchForSamples(scContainedMain) for lane in containedSamples: laneCode = lane.getCode() laneCodeList.append(laneCode) logger.debug("Found lane " + laneCode + " in flow cell") logger.info("All lanes found: " + str(laneCodeList)) for p in fcList: flowCellProperties = p.getProperties() numberOfLanes = int(flowCellProperties['LANECOUNT']) foundLaneNumber = containedSamples.size() if (foundLaneNumber > numberOfLanes): numberOfLanes = foundLaneNumber logger.info("Found " + str(foundLaneNumber) + " lanes! This differs from the lane number " + "registered in the flow cell. --> Lanes got splitted!") laneDict = {} sampleDict = {} piDict = {} spaceDict = {} invoiceDict = {} for lane in laneCodeList: myLane = lane laneSc = SearchCriteria(); laneSc.addMatchClause(SearchCriteria.MatchClause.createAttributeMatch(SearchCriteria.MatchClauseAttribute.CODE, myLane)); laneList = service.searchForSamples(laneSc, fetchOptions) logger.debug("Length of laneList for " + myLane + " is " + str(len(laneList))) for l in laneList: laneProperties = l.getProperties() laneDict[lane] = laneProperties laneParents = l.getParents() s = {} for samples in laneParents: sampleCode = samples.getCode() sampleProperties = samples.getProperties() s[sampleCode.split("-")[-1]] = sampleProperties sampleDict[lane] = s pi = sanitizeString(sampleProperties[configMap["pIPropertyName"]]) invoiceProperty = sampleProperties['INVOICE'] # if sample got created via Excel upload, the property could be not set, which is represented by None if (invoiceProperty is None): invoiceProperty = 'false' sentInvoice = {'true': True, 'false': False}.get(invoiceProperty.lower()) logger.debug("PI for " + sampleCode + ": " + pi) logger.debug("Invoice sent for " + sampleCode + ": " + str(sentInvoice)) if piDict.has_key(pi): piDict[pi].append(lane) # Making the lanes unique piDict[pi] = list(set(piDict[pi])) else: piDict[pi] = [lane] if not sentInvoice: if invoiceDict.has_key(pi): invoiceDict[pi].append(lane) # Making the lanes unique invoiceDict[pi] = list(set(invoiceDict[pi])) else: invoiceDict[pi] = [lane] spaceDict[pi] = l.getSpaceCode() logger.debug(spaceDict) logger.info("Found the following PIs on the lanes: ") logger.info(piDict) logger.info("Found the following PIs with non-invoiced samples : ") logger.info(invoiceDict) # simply sort the hashmap treeMap = TreeMap (flowCellProperties) return laneDict, sampleDict, piDict, treeMap, spaceDict, invoiceDict ''' Main script ''' def main(): # for now setting the format by hand format = "xlsx" magicString = "@Invoice@" logger = setUpLogger('log/') logger.info('Started Creation Invoices...') myoptions = parseOptions(logger) configMap = readConfig(logger) if myoptions.debug: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) service = login(logger, configMap) flowcellName = myoptions.flowcell laneDict, sampleDict, piDict, flowCellProperties, spaceDict, invoiceDict = getFLowcellData(service, configMap, flowcellName, logger) for piName in piDict: # create an Excel file for each PI writeExcel(myoptions, configMap, service, piName, laneDict, sampleDict, piDict, spaceDict[piName], flowCellProperties, flowcellName, logger, format) for invoicePi in invoiceDict: print (magicString + invoicePi) service.logout() if __name__ == "__main__": main()